Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Kannur University Information Management November 2011 Question paper

Are you searching B.Tech Computer Science Engineering Question Papers? Here You can find Information Management Question Papers.

VII Semester B.Tech. (Reg./Sup.Imp. - Including Part Time) Degree
Examination, November 2011
(2007 Admn.)

Time:3 Hours Max. Marks : 100


1. Mention the role ILM strategy. [Marks 5]

2. Enlist the requirements of data centre infrastructure elements. [Marks 5]

3. Mention the components of ISS. [Marks 5]

4. How cloud storage system is effective ? Explain. [Marks 5]

5. Define the concept of information measurement. [Marks 5]

6. Differentiate RTO and RPO. [Marks 5]

7. Define information security and its significance. [Marks 5]

8. Enlist the key management activities with examples. [Marks 5]


9. Explain about information storage system and its requirements also mention its
applications. [Marks 15]

10. Explicate the concept of RAID and mention about different levels and its
significance. [Marks 15]

11. Describe in detail about architecture and topology of Ip-SAN. [Marks 15]

12. Explain with examples importance and working of virtual provisioning. [Marks 15]

13. a) Describe the causes and consequences of downtime.


b) Describe the effect of single points of failure in a storage infrastructure. [Marks 15]

14. a) Describe the recovery and backup purposes with examples. [Marks 10]

b) Write short notes on local replication technologies. [Marks 5]

15. Explain in detail about information security system and list the critical security
attributes. [Marks 15]

16. Explain in detail about storage management standards and initiative. [Marks 15]

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