Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Kannur University Question paper of 2011 Internet And Mobile Communiction Systems

Are you searching B.Tech Computer Science Engineering Question Papers? Here You can find Internet And Mobile Communiction Systems Question Paper.

VII Semester B.Tech. (Reg./Supple./lmp.-lncluding Part Time) Degree
Examination, November 2011


Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100


1. Distinguish virtual circuit networks and datagram networks. [Marks 5]

2. How video compression is achieved in the internet ? [Marks 5]

3. Define CSMA/CD scheme and why CSMA/CD scheme failed in wireless networks. [Marks 5]

4. Enumerate the advantages of cellular systems with smallcells.[Marks 5]

5. Draw a GSM TDMA frame with its slots and bursts. How GSM avoids frequency
selective fading ? [Marks 5]

6. Define the Piconet and Scatternet networking in Bluetooth and mention its
advantages.[Marks 5]

7. Discuss the DHCP protocol with its basic configuration. [Marks 5]

8. Describe the basic objectives of WAP protocol. [Marks 5]


9. a) i) Discuss the types of delay encountered in packet switched networks. [Marks 5]

ii) Illustrate queueing delay and packet loss in packet switched networks. [Marks 5]

b) Discuss RTSP with its features and illustrate client-server interaction using
BTSP. [Marks 5]


10. a) Explain the mechanism involved in accessing audio and video through a
web server. [Marks 9]

b) Describe the tiered hierarchy of lSPs and state the characteristics of each
tier. [Marks 6]

11. a) i) Compare slow and fast frequency hopping spread spectrum systems. [Marks 5]

ii) Discuss the lnter symbol interference problem and state the measures to [Marks 5]
overcome this problem.

b) Discuss the three fundamental behaviours of radiowaves depending on their [Marks 5]


12. a) Explain DSSS systems, importance with its transmitter and Receiver block
diagram. [Marks 8]

b) Explain FDMA and CDMA mechanisms. [Marks 7]

13. a) Explain the IEEE 802.11 system architecture, protocolarchitecture and its
management. [Marks 9]

b) Explain the importance of L2CAP layer in Bluetooth and give the L2CAP
packet formats and services. [Marks 6]


14. a) Draw the GSM protocol architecture for signalling and what are the tasks
associated with physical, datalink and network layer ? [Marks 8]
b) Discuss the features of HIPERLAN 2 and explain how it differc from HIPEHLAN 1. [Marks 7]
15. a) Explain the Route optimization procedure of Mobile IP protocol. [Marks 8]

b) Explain the classical enhancements of TCP for mobility with their advantages
and disadvantages.[Marks 7]


16. a) i) State the requirements that led to Mobile lP. [Marks 5]

ii) What entities and terminology are needed to understand Mobile lP ? [Marks 5]

b) lllustrate the Mobile lP Packet delivery process. [Marks 5] 
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