Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Kannur University Questionpaper B.A Islamic History Core- NoISH4 B05 History of the Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic 2012 Question paper

Are you searching Kannur University Question papers? Here you can get B.A Islamic History.
Kannur University Question papers
Subject: B.A Islamic History core
1 word ans ques..
1. What was the honorific title provided to Sulaiman the magnificent?
2. What was the name of Ottoman standing army?
3. According to which treaty Turkey became a republic.
4. What was the common name for the Ottoman Turkish constitutional
Fill in the blanks
5 The Turkish National assembly was convened by ……….
6 The young Turk revolution took place during the reign of …………..
7. The current president of Turkey is ………..
8. The reforms introduced by Musthafa Kamal was generally called………
Weightage: 1
Weightage: 1
select the accurate ans.
9. The caliphate was abolished in
a) 1924 b) 1918 c) 1919 d) 1923
10.The minority administration in Turkey was called
a) Devshirma b) Millet system c) Hate sharef
a) 10% b) 20% c) 3% d) 7%
12 Who was the 1st Ottoman Sultan to presume Caliphat
a) Salim II b) Mohamed II c) Sulaiman d) Abdul Hameed
Weightage: 1
d) Tanzimath
11.What percentage of Turkish republic is still belonged to Europe
Match the subsequent
13 Constantinople
15 Sevres Treaty
16 Janissary
- Sublime Porte
- Mohamed II
- Allied Occupation
- Istanbul
- I world war
- Ottoman Administration
- Ottoman Army
Weightage: 1
14 Turkish Parliament - Devshirma
Write actual or False
17 The name of ottoman was derived from the name of Uthman.
18 Turkey was proposed to be divided as per Severes treaty.
19 In I world war Turkey was neutral.
20 Turkey became a republic under Abdul Hameed.
Weightage: 1
ans in a snippet
21 What were the main features of Janissary?
22 What is meant by C.U.P.?
23 Why Mohamed II was called "Al Fatih"
25 What were main points of reforms called Kamalism?
26 What was meant by Hate Sharef?
Write Short Essays
27 How far the fall of Constantinople was an epoch making incident in
28 What were the silent features of Millet System.
29 What lead to the Tanzimat reforms in Turkey.
30 Make a brief note on the map given.
Write Essays
31 Under which circumstances did Ottoman Turkey joined Germany in I
World War.
Weightage: 4
32 How far Kamalism proved to be a failure in the light of contemporary
24 What was meant by Shaikhul Islam in Ottoman Turkey? Weightage: 1

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