University Of Pune Question Paper
II - B.S.L. (Sem. - IV)
(2003 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Can a minor be admitted to a partnership? If so what are his rights &
liabilites? [17]
Discuss the rights & duties of partners interse.
Q2) What is dissolution of firm? Discuss the various modes of dissolution of
firm. [16]
a) What is a partnership property & how far it is liable for partner’s separate
b) What is understood by goodwill of a business?
Q3) “Risk prima-facie passes with the ownership”. Comment. State the
exceptions, if any, to this rule. [16]
Who is an unpaid seller? What are his rights?
Q4) Write short notes on any three : [18]
a) Auction sale.
b) Warranties in a contract of sale.
c) Distinguish between sale & agreement to sell.
d) Sale by sample.
e) Buyers remedies against seller.
Q5) Define bailment. What are the essential features of a contract of bailment?
How does it differ from pledge? [17]
What are the circumstances in which the surety is discharged from liability?
Q6) What is the scope & extent of agent’s authority? What is the difference
between agents ‘actual authority’. & ‘ostensible authority’? [16]
Describe the various modes by which an agency may terminated. When an
agency irrevocable?
II - B.S.L. (Sem. - IV)
(2003 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q1) Can a minor be admitted to a partnership? If so what are his rights &
liabilites? [17]
Discuss the rights & duties of partners interse.
Q2) What is dissolution of firm? Discuss the various modes of dissolution of
firm. [16]
a) What is a partnership property & how far it is liable for partner’s separate
b) What is understood by goodwill of a business?
Q3) “Risk prima-facie passes with the ownership”. Comment. State the
exceptions, if any, to this rule. [16]
Who is an unpaid seller? What are his rights?
Q4) Write short notes on any three : [18]
a) Auction sale.
b) Warranties in a contract of sale.
c) Distinguish between sale & agreement to sell.
d) Sale by sample.
e) Buyers remedies against seller.
Q5) Define bailment. What are the essential features of a contract of bailment?
How does it differ from pledge? [17]
What are the circumstances in which the surety is discharged from liability?
Q6) What is the scope & extent of agent’s authority? What is the difference
between agents ‘actual authority’. & ‘ostensible authority’? [16]
Describe the various modes by which an agency may terminated. When an
agency irrevocable?
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