Sunday, December 13, 2015

M. C. M. (Semester - I),2010 Question Paper,University Of Pune Question Paper,MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM

University Of Pune Question Paper
M. C. M. (Semester - I) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Notes :
(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any five from the remaining.
Q.1) Write short notes : (Any Four) [20]
(a) Law of Requisite Variety
(b) Types of Memories
(c) Decision Table/Tree
(d) Artificial Intelligence
(e) Expert System
(f) GDSS
Q.2) MIS supports a Manager in his functional responsibilities. Explain. [10]
Q.3) Explain ‘Herbert Siamon’ Principle of Decision-making. [10]
Q.4) Explain Classification of Information. [10]
Q.5) Explain the term Data Warehouse, Data Mart and Data Mining. [10]
Q.6) Explain Input and Output Devices with suitable examples. [10]
Q.7) Explain Concept of Database ? What is the difference between Data
File, Data Bank and Database ? [10]
Q.8) (A) Compare Administrative and Classical Decision-making
Models. [05]
(B) Compare Line Printer and Page Printer. [05]
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