University Of Pune Question Paper
M. C. M. (Semester - IV) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Q. Nos. 1 and 7 must be answered.
(2) Attempt any four from the remaining.
(3) Draw neat diagrams. Neat diagrams carry marks.
Q.1) (A) Good-paints Trading Company deals in building paints. The sale
of various paint products is maintained in a suitable computerised
database. Management needs the following reports on periodical
basis. Describe process to prepare these reports. Also draw
report layouts :
– Customerwise / Productwise Sale
– Productwise / Customerwise Sale
– Customerwise Outstandings [15]
(B) What is Workflow Management ? [05]
Q.2) What is DEMAT ? What are the advantages of DEMAT Account ? [10]
Q.3) State 7R’s – prerequisites of ERP. [10]
Q.4) Explain steps involved in Disaster Recovery Plan. [10]
Q.5) Describe Supply Chain Management Cycle in brief. Draw block
diagram of SCM. [10]
Q.6) What are the current trends in Hospital Management System using IT
Tool ? [10]
Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) [10]
(a) Data Mining
(b) Insurance Premium
(c) TQM
(d) Fixed Deposit Scheme in Nationalised Banks
M. C. M. (Semester - IV) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Q. Nos. 1 and 7 must be answered.
(2) Attempt any four from the remaining.
(3) Draw neat diagrams. Neat diagrams carry marks.
Q.1) (A) Good-paints Trading Company deals in building paints. The sale
of various paint products is maintained in a suitable computerised
database. Management needs the following reports on periodical
basis. Describe process to prepare these reports. Also draw
report layouts :
– Customerwise / Productwise Sale
– Productwise / Customerwise Sale
– Customerwise Outstandings [15]
(B) What is Workflow Management ? [05]
Q.2) What is DEMAT ? What are the advantages of DEMAT Account ? [10]
Q.3) State 7R’s – prerequisites of ERP. [10]
Q.4) Explain steps involved in Disaster Recovery Plan. [10]
Q.5) Describe Supply Chain Management Cycle in brief. Draw block
diagram of SCM. [10]
Q.6) What are the current trends in Hospital Management System using IT
Tool ? [10]
Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) [10]
(a) Data Mining
(b) Insurance Premium
(c) TQM
(d) Fixed Deposit Scheme in Nationalised Banks
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