University Of Pune Question Paper
M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Answer any five questions.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Define the term ‘Free Consent’. State and explain Termination of
Contract by Performance. [14]
Q.2) Under Sale of Goods Act, define any two : [14]
(a) Warranty
(b) Caveat Emptor
(c) Sale and Goods
Q.3) Under Negotiable Instruments Act, define any two : [14]
(a) Crossing of Cheque
(b) Rights of True Owner
(c) Penalty for Return of Cheque
Q.4) What are the effects of Registration of Trade Marks ? State Offences
and Penalties under Trade and Merchandise Marks Act. [14]
Q.5) Define the term ‘Consumer’. Explain Redressal Agency under Consumer
Protection Act. [14]
Q.6) Explain provisions relating to Digital Signature, Electronic Governance.
Also state various objectives of IT Act, 2000. [14]
Q.7) State and explain Contract of Agency and duties and responsibilities
of Agent under Indian Contract Act. [14]
Q.8) Write notes : (Any Two) [14]
(a) Unpaid Seller
(b) Copyright
(c) Patents
(d) Condition
(e) Fundamentals of VAT
M. M. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Answer any five questions.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Define the term ‘Free Consent’. State and explain Termination of
Contract by Performance. [14]
Q.2) Under Sale of Goods Act, define any two : [14]
(a) Warranty
(b) Caveat Emptor
(c) Sale and Goods
Q.3) Under Negotiable Instruments Act, define any two : [14]
(a) Crossing of Cheque
(b) Rights of True Owner
(c) Penalty for Return of Cheque
Q.4) What are the effects of Registration of Trade Marks ? State Offences
and Penalties under Trade and Merchandise Marks Act. [14]
Q.5) Define the term ‘Consumer’. Explain Redressal Agency under Consumer
Protection Act. [14]
Q.6) Explain provisions relating to Digital Signature, Electronic Governance.
Also state various objectives of IT Act, 2000. [14]
Q.7) State and explain Contract of Agency and duties and responsibilities
of Agent under Indian Contract Act. [14]
Q.8) Write notes : (Any Two) [14]
(a) Unpaid Seller
(b) Copyright
(c) Patents
(d) Condition
(e) Fundamentals of VAT
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