Are you looking for MG University Question Papers ? You can here find MBA course Dec 2013 Question Paper for Managerial Economics.
MG University Kerala
MBA Degree examination December 2013
First semester / First Year
Managerial economics
Q.P Code: [07 onwards]
Time: 3 hours
Maximum: 100 marks
Answer any five questions.Each question carries 20 marks.
1. Explain demand curve and the determinates of demand.
2. Explain different types of production function.
3. Explain the different market structure and its characteristics.
4. Explain cost volume profit analysis with an example.
5. Describe the effects of inflation on output and distribution of income.
6. Explain the concept of Macro economic policy and discuss its various goals and objectives.
7. Explain the role of managerial economics in business economy.
8. Explain short run and long run cost function.
MG University Kerala
MBA Degree examination December 2013
First semester / First Year
Managerial economics
Q.P Code: [07 onwards]
Time: 3 hours
Maximum: 100 marks
Answer any five questions.Each question carries 20 marks.
1. Explain demand curve and the determinates of demand.
2. Explain different types of production function.
3. Explain the different market structure and its characteristics.
4. Explain cost volume profit analysis with an example.
5. Describe the effects of inflation on output and distribution of income.
6. Explain the concept of Macro economic policy and discuss its various goals and objectives.
7. Explain the role of managerial economics in business economy.
8. Explain short run and long run cost function.
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