Monday, December 7, 2015

Marketing Management BBA IP GGSIPU Jan 2005 Question Paper

Looking for IP University - GGSIPU Old Question Papers ? You can download here 3rd Semester GGSIPU Old Question Paper 2005 for BBA Marketing Management. Read the question paper contents below.

IP University - GGSIPU
Paper Code: BBA(B&I) 211 Subject: Marketing Management
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Note: Attempt any Six questions. All questions carry equal marks.
(Please write your Roll No. immediately) Roll No. ......................

Q.1 Explain the Marketing Process? What are the different Marketing
Philosophies and what is the latest out of these? Do you agree with that philosophy of Marketing?
Q.2 (a) Discuss the Concept of STP? What are the various bases used to segment Consumer Markets? With example explain benefit segmentation?
(b) Write a note on Positioning.
Q.3 (a) What do you understand by Consumer Behaviour? What are the factors which influence the behaviour of consumers. Illustrate them
with the help of Consume-Decision Making Model.
(b) How Industrial Buying Behaviour is different form Consumer Buying Behaviour.
Q.4 (a) What factors are taken into consideration at the time of taking pricing decisions?
(b) What are different pricing methods used for setting prices. Explain why marginal costing Method and psychological pricing considered to be practical methods of pricing.
Q.5 (a) What do you mean by Product Mix Decisions? What steps are involved in New Product Development Process?
(b) What branding alternatives are available to the firm?
Q.6 (a) What are the determinants of Marketing Environment of a firm? Why is it important to study them?
(b) What are the techniques of Environmental Scanning?
Q.7 (a) Explain the Marketing Research Process? What steps are involved?
(b) If a new school has to be opened in Delhi what will be the type of information to be collected to initiate the process of building the school.
Q.8 Write notes on any two: -
(a) Methods of Forecasting Demand
(b) Marketing Planning Process
(c) Marketing concept and its applicability in Indian Organization.
(d) Product Life Cycle stages and Marketing strategies to be followed in each stage.

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