Wednesday, December 16, 2015

MG University B.Tech 1st and 2nd Semesters EN 010 103 Engineering Chemistry 2014 Question Paper

Searching for previous question paper of S1 / S2 Engineering Chemistry May 2014 for MG University Kerala ? You will here find out the important old year question paper of EN 010 103- ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES . It is first and 2nd semester exam paper. Collect the question paper contents below in text format.


First and Second Semesters


(New Scheme-2010 Admission onwards)


[Common for All Branches]

Time : Three Hours                                                                                  

Maximum:100 Marks

Tip : You may also interested in downloading "Mahatma Gandhi University General B.Tech Electronics Engineering Engineering Chemistry 2010 Question paper"

Part A

Answer all questions.

Each Question Carries 3 marks

What are strong and weak electrolytes? Give examples.
What are corrosion inhibitors? Give two examples?
Define degree of polymerisation
Why is the excessive use of synthetic detergents discouraged?
What are the ill effects of photochemical smog?

Part B

Answer all questions.

Each Question Carries 5 marks

1. Explain the construction and  working  of H2-O2 fuel cell. Mention its applications

2. Explain the corrosion occurring in the following cases:

             (i) Deposition of small particles of dust on the surface of iron

            (ii)Bolt and nut made from different metals are in contact with each other.

3. Define glass transition temperature. Explain the factors influencing glass transition temperature and give its significance

4. Discuss the sources of water pollution? Define COD and BOD

5. Mention the importance of solar cells?

Part C

Answer all questions.

Each Question Carries 12 marks

1. (a) What is single electrode potential? Explain its determination using primary and secondary reference electrodes.(7 marks)

(b) Zn rod is dipped in 0.11 M ZnSO4 solution at 300 K. What is single electrode potential of Zn half cell if E cell =+0.762 V. (5 marks)


2. (a) What are concentration cells? Give one example and write electrode reactions and total cell reaction. (6 marks)

(b) Explain the construction and working of lead-acid storage  battery. Mention its applications (6 marks)

3. (a) Describe galvanizing used as a method of prevention of corrosion (6 marks)

(b) What is wet corrosion? Explain the mechanism taking rusting of iron as example. (6 marks)


4. Explain the following methods of combating corrosion with suitable examples.

(I) Use of inhibitors

(II) Use of protection coatings

(III) Material selection and design

5. (a) Distinguish between Thermoplastic and Thermosetting plastic materials (6 marks)

(b) Explain the properties and applications of single walled carbon nano tubes (6 marks)


6. (a) Describe how polyacetylene is able to function of a conducting polymer. (6 marks)

(b) How polyurethanes are obtained? What are their properties and applications? (6 marks)

7. (a) What are the sources of CO and SO2 pollutants in air? What are their causes? How it can be cured? (8 marks)

(b) How ammonia and fertilizers are harmful to the aquatic system? (4 marks)


8. Explain the different stages in treatment of water for domestic purposes

9. Explain the different methods of disposal of different kinds of solid waste?


10. (a) Explain biodiversity and its significance

(b) What are biofuels? Explain any two types and how they can be substitute to the conventional fossil fuel?
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