Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Micro Electronics Technology Kannur University 2011 Question Paper

Are you searching B.Tech Computer Science Engineering Question Papers? Here You can find Micro Electronics Technology Question Papers.

VII Semester B.Tech. (Reg./Sup./lmp. - Including Part Time) Degree
Examination, November 201 1
(2007 Admn.)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

I. a) Brief the effects of dopants during oxidation. [Marks 5]

b) Give the evaluation procedure of the simple CVD System. [Marks 5]

c) Draw the schematic of a simple Bicmos inverter and explain its operation. [Marks 5]

d) Brief the latch up in CMOS circuits. [Marks 5]

e) Give the different encodings used in stick diagram representation for nMOS process. [Marks 5]

f) List the various )" based design rules adopted for the transistor in nMOS, PMOS and CMOS. [Marks 5]

g) Describe the short comings of producing thick field oxide as isolation. [Marks 5]

h) Write short notes on ballistic nano transistors. [Marks 5]

II. a) i) Write short notes on types of photo resists. [Marks 5]

ii) Explain with a schematic, the CZO Charlski growth method in detail. [Marks 10]


b) i) Briefly describe the advantage and disadvantages of Atmosphere pressure
CUD of diectrics. [Marks 5]

ii) State the Hicks laws. Give the mechanism factors for determination of
the diffusion coefficient D. [Marks 10]

III. a) i) Derive the expression for lds in a nMOS transistor in the different regions
of operations. [Marks 10]

ii) Mention the types of nMOS transistors and give their output characteristics
and made the parameters. [Marks 5]


b) i) Explain the nMOS Fabrication process with required figures. [Marks 10 ]

ii) Compare CMOS and bifdar technology. [Marks 5]

IV. a) i) Give the Stick diagram of the NAND gate using nMOS and CMOS design
style. [Marks 8]

ii) Write short notes on Pass transistors and transmission gates. [Marks 7]


b) Give the nMOS implementation of Sum and Carry output of a half adder
circuit. Also draw the layout of the above circuits. [Marks 15]

V. a) i) Explain the SWAMI Process in detail. Draw necessary figures. [Marks 10]

ii) Compare simple shallow trench isolation process and deep trench isolation
process. [Marks 5]


b) i) Explain the different SOI methods in device isolation. [Marks 10]

ii) Write about the ohms law in nanometer scaled devices. [Marks 5] 
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