University Of Pune Question Paper
M.M.S./M.B.S. (Semester – I) Examination, 2010
(2008 Pattern) (New)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Instructions : i) Attempt any three questions from Q. 1 to 5.
ii) Questions 1 to 5 carry 16 marks each.
iii) Question 6 is compulsory and it carries 22 marks.
iv) Clarity and logical reasoning, justifying your answers will be
given more weightage.
1. Explain GE Nine cell model. What are the advantages of GE Nine cell over
BCG matrix ?
2. What do you understand by ‘Organizational Capability Profile (OCP) ? Discuss
its various functional areas and their relation in determining different functional
capabilities of an enterprise.
3. Define strategy and explain the elements in strategic management process.
4. Why is strategy evaluation and control important to organizations ? Explain
with suitable examples.
5. Write short notes on any two :
a) Vision and Mission
b) Porter’s five forces model of competition
c) GAP Analysis
d) SWOT analysis.
6. Case Study (Compulsory Question)
Read the case carefully. Systematic analysis of the case, logical reasoning,
justifying your solutions will carry more weightage.
Corporate Culture Changes at Warner Hindustan-Parke Davis
This case offers an insight into the post-merger cultural adaptation which takes
place inside two entities where the merger apparently did not work.
In September 1988, Warner Hindustan was merged with Parke Davis-both
offshoots of the same parent, Warner Lamber Company of the US. Parke Davis
had a single location at Mumbai, and Warner Hindustan was multilocational.
The vagaries of the oppressive Drug Price Control Order (DPCO), the fact that
both the companies belonged to the pharmaceutical industry, and the potential
of realising synergies had ied to the merger. The objectives to forge an alliance
were : creating a scope for growth, building complimentarity in product portfolio,
and leveraging their brandpower.
The two companies had very contrasting cultures. Parke Davis was a
people- driven company which practised participative and democratic values. It
was basically a positively-oriented conservative company. Here employees had
interpersonal relationship based on trust and respect for each other. On the other
hand, Warner Hindustan had a task-oriented culture. There was a high level of
cost-and profit-consciousness, and a controlled, formal, and documented work
culture. Risk-taking by managers was encouraged.
After the merger, the management focussed on the rationalising of
facilities/resources, structuring departments, and allocating designations.
However, no attention was paid to the two different sets of operating rules being
followed in one post-merger company.
After the merger there was a continuous clash in the culture and working system
for a long time, as if two separate companies were working under the same roof.
The average employee felt alienated and insecure. It also led to the formation of
cliques. After four years, in 1992, when conflicts manifested themselves in the
form of work-stoppage and low productivity, the top management of the
company got together and created a new vision and mission statement for the
company. The purpose was to create a common set of goals for the employees
of both the companies.
Though the efforts to resolve the problems had been taken, still differences were
evident from the departure of several top managers. The process of cultural
integration had apparently not succeeded.
1) Discuss the manner in which merger of the two entities took place. Analyse
the case and find out the reasons as to why the process of cultural integration
had not succeeded ? Justify your answer.
2) What strategy you would have suggested to merger of the two entities
successfully ? Justify your suggestion.
M.M.S./M.B.S. (Semester – I) Examination, 2010
(2008 Pattern) (New)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
Instructions : i) Attempt any three questions from Q. 1 to 5.
ii) Questions 1 to 5 carry 16 marks each.
iii) Question 6 is compulsory and it carries 22 marks.
iv) Clarity and logical reasoning, justifying your answers will be
given more weightage.
1. Explain GE Nine cell model. What are the advantages of GE Nine cell over
BCG matrix ?
2. What do you understand by ‘Organizational Capability Profile (OCP) ? Discuss
its various functional areas and their relation in determining different functional
capabilities of an enterprise.
3. Define strategy and explain the elements in strategic management process.
4. Why is strategy evaluation and control important to organizations ? Explain
with suitable examples.
5. Write short notes on any two :
a) Vision and Mission
b) Porter’s five forces model of competition
c) GAP Analysis
d) SWOT analysis.
6. Case Study (Compulsory Question)
Read the case carefully. Systematic analysis of the case, logical reasoning,
justifying your solutions will carry more weightage.
Corporate Culture Changes at Warner Hindustan-Parke Davis
This case offers an insight into the post-merger cultural adaptation which takes
place inside two entities where the merger apparently did not work.
In September 1988, Warner Hindustan was merged with Parke Davis-both
offshoots of the same parent, Warner Lamber Company of the US. Parke Davis
had a single location at Mumbai, and Warner Hindustan was multilocational.
The vagaries of the oppressive Drug Price Control Order (DPCO), the fact that
both the companies belonged to the pharmaceutical industry, and the potential
of realising synergies had ied to the merger. The objectives to forge an alliance
were : creating a scope for growth, building complimentarity in product portfolio,
and leveraging their brandpower.
The two companies had very contrasting cultures. Parke Davis was a
people- driven company which practised participative and democratic values. It
was basically a positively-oriented conservative company. Here employees had
interpersonal relationship based on trust and respect for each other. On the other
hand, Warner Hindustan had a task-oriented culture. There was a high level of
cost-and profit-consciousness, and a controlled, formal, and documented work
culture. Risk-taking by managers was encouraged.
After the merger, the management focussed on the rationalising of
facilities/resources, structuring departments, and allocating designations.
However, no attention was paid to the two different sets of operating rules being
followed in one post-merger company.
After the merger there was a continuous clash in the culture and working system
for a long time, as if two separate companies were working under the same roof.
The average employee felt alienated and insecure. It also led to the formation of
cliques. After four years, in 1992, when conflicts manifested themselves in the
form of work-stoppage and low productivity, the top management of the
company got together and created a new vision and mission statement for the
company. The purpose was to create a common set of goals for the employees
of both the companies.
Though the efforts to resolve the problems had been taken, still differences were
evident from the departure of several top managers. The process of cultural
integration had apparently not succeeded.
1) Discuss the manner in which merger of the two entities took place. Analyse
the case and find out the reasons as to why the process of cultural integration
had not succeeded ? Justify your answer.
2) What strategy you would have suggested to merger of the two entities
successfully ? Justify your suggestion.
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