University Of Pune Question Paper
M.P.M. (First Semester) EXAMINATION, 2010
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 70
N.B. :— (i) Answer any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain the scope and object of the Industrial Disputes Act.
2. Application of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
and defined the term Standing Orders.
3. How the amount payable to injured workman is calculated under
the Workmen’s Compensation Act ?
4. Explain the following under the Employee’s State Insurance Act,
1948 :
(a) Contributions
(b) Nomination.
5. What are the employees’ rights in domestic enquiry ? What are
the contents of report of domestic enquiry ?
6. Define and explain lay-off, strikes, transfer of undertaking and closure
under Industrial Disputes Act.
7. Write notes on (any two) :
(a) Objectives of Workmen’s Compensation Act
(b) Powers and Duties of Labour Courts
(c) Retrenchment.
M.P.M. (First Semester) EXAMINATION, 2010
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 70
N.B. :— (i) Answer any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain the scope and object of the Industrial Disputes Act.
2. Application of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
and defined the term Standing Orders.
3. How the amount payable to injured workman is calculated under
the Workmen’s Compensation Act ?
4. Explain the following under the Employee’s State Insurance Act,
1948 :
(a) Contributions
(b) Nomination.
5. What are the employees’ rights in domestic enquiry ? What are
the contents of report of domestic enquiry ?
6. Define and explain lay-off, strikes, transfer of undertaking and closure
under Industrial Disputes Act.
7. Write notes on (any two) :
(a) Objectives of Workmen’s Compensation Act
(b) Powers and Duties of Labour Courts
(c) Retrenchment.
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