Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Optical Communication: Kannur University 2012 Question Paper

Are you searching Kannur University Electronics and Communications Engineering Question Papers? Here You can find Optical Communication Question Paper.

VIII Semester B.Tech. - Including Part Time Degree (Reg./Sup./lmp.)
Examination, April 2012
(2007 Admn. Onwards)

Time: 3 Hours Max" Marks : 100

l. 1) Explain with block diagram fiber optic communication system. [Marks 5]

2) Explain the fiber classification based on refractive index. [Marks 5]

3) Explain the working principle of LED. [Marks 5]

4) Define quantum efficiency and response time. [Marks 5]

5) Explain the effect of noise in coherent systems. [Marks 5]

6) Write a note on ISI. [Marks 5]

7) Explain the working principle of rare earth doped fiber amplifier. [Marks 5]

8) Write a note on amplifier noise. [Marks 5]

ll. A) Derive the solution tor Maxwells equation in circularly symmetric step in

index fiber. [Marks 15]


B) Bring out the differences between dispersion shifted, dispersion flattened
and polarization maintaining fibers. [Marks 15]

III. A) Give the LASER structure. Explain how it is able to generate the light with
the required plots. [Marks 15]


B) Explain the working of PIN and Avalanche photo diode. [Marks 15]

IV. A) i) Bring out the differences between Homo dyne and Hetero dyne system.

ii) Write a note on multichannel coherent system. [Marks 15]

B) Explain the causes of performance degradation when light signal propagate in optical fiber. [Marks 15]

V. A) compare the performance of various optical networks. [Marks 15]


B) Explain how the light can be amplified in semiconductor and Raman amplifiers. [Marks 15]

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