University Of Pune Question Paper
P. G. D. C. A. (Semester - III) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any five questions from the remaining.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Consider the following table structure to write SQL queries : [20]
Emp Table :
empno number(3), ename varchar2(30), sal number(4), comm
number(3), job varchar2(10), deptno number(2), joindate date,
address varchar2(30), mgr number(3)
Dept Table :
deptno number(2), dname varchar2(30), location varchar2(30)
(a) Display managers having 2 subordinates.
(b) List employee name and his manager name.
(c) Display all employees who joined organisation in the month
of March.
(d) Display name of the department having highest no. of
(e) Display managers having salary more than 5,000.
(f) Display empno, name, department name and annual salary for
all employees.
(g) List employees working in SALES Department.
(h) Display name of the person getting highest salary.
(i) Display name of the employees not getting commission.
(j) Create emp table with proper constraints.
Q.2) Write a stored procedure which will accept department number and
will return total salary paid to that department. [10]
Q.3) Write a PL/SQL block which will accept name of the person and will
print name in reverse order. [10]
Q.4) Write a user defined function which will accept name of the employee
and will return job of that employee. [10]
Q.5) Write a PL/SQL block which will accept a number. If it is prime,
then user defined exception must be shown. [10]
Q.6) Write a PL/SQL block which will accept department number. Using
cursor display employee name, job and salary of employees working
in that department. [10]
Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) [10]
(a) Triggers
(b) Cursors
(c) Aggregate Functions
(d) Constraints
P. G. D. C. A. (Semester - III) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Solve any five questions from the remaining.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Consider the following table structure to write SQL queries : [20]
Emp Table :
empno number(3), ename varchar2(30), sal number(4), comm
number(3), job varchar2(10), deptno number(2), joindate date,
address varchar2(30), mgr number(3)
Dept Table :
deptno number(2), dname varchar2(30), location varchar2(30)
(a) Display managers having 2 subordinates.
(b) List employee name and his manager name.
(c) Display all employees who joined organisation in the month
of March.
(d) Display name of the department having highest no. of
(e) Display managers having salary more than 5,000.
(f) Display empno, name, department name and annual salary for
all employees.
(g) List employees working in SALES Department.
(h) Display name of the person getting highest salary.
(i) Display name of the employees not getting commission.
(j) Create emp table with proper constraints.
Q.2) Write a stored procedure which will accept department number and
will return total salary paid to that department. [10]
Q.3) Write a PL/SQL block which will accept name of the person and will
print name in reverse order. [10]
Q.4) Write a user defined function which will accept name of the employee
and will return job of that employee. [10]
Q.5) Write a PL/SQL block which will accept a number. If it is prime,
then user defined exception must be shown. [10]
Q.6) Write a PL/SQL block which will accept department number. Using
cursor display employee name, job and salary of employees working
in that department. [10]
Q.7) Write short notes : (Any Two) [10]
(a) Triggers
(b) Cursors
(c) Aggregate Functions
(d) Constraints
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