Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Paper – I : BASIS AND REGULATORY FRAME WORK OF CYBER WORLD,University Of Pune Question Paper,Diploma in Cyber Laws,2011 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
Diploma in Cyber Laws Examination, 2011
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Instructions : 1) Question 9 is compulsory. It carries 20 marks.
2) Out of the remaining questions, answer any five questions
and each such question carries 16 marks.
1. Explain with the help of case laws the jurisdictional issues in dealing with
Cyber Crime.
2. Write a critical note on Domain Name Disputes Policies.
3. Explain the concept of Direct contributory and Vicarious Liability towards the
Internet Service Provider in case of Cyber Crimes.
4. Write a detail note on various challenges faced by the enforcement agencies in
the application of law in Cyber World.
5. Explain about international legal regime available for electronic signature.
6. What is Firewall ? Explain its importance as an effective device for curbing the
virus attacks in the networking security system.
7. Explain in detail the procedural aspect public key infrastructure (PKI) in
authorization of electronic signature.
8. What is World Wide Web and explain the importance of Web Service and
Web Browser in the Cyber Space ?
9. Write short notes on any four of the following :
i) File system mechanism
ii) Geographic jurisdiction in Cyber space
iii) LAN
iv) Meta Tags
v) Internet
vi) Internet Protocol Number.
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