University Of Pune Question Paper
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - III) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Answer any seven questions out of ten.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) Define ‘Management’. What is Henry Fayol’s Classical Management
Theory ? [10]
Q.2) Write short notes : (Any Two) [10]
(a) Levels of Management
(b) Types of Decisions
(c) Need for Co-ordination
Q.3) Define ‘Planning’. What is its importance ? Also state its
advantages. [10]
Q.4) What is Motivation ? Explain Maslow’s Theory of Need Hierarchy
with suitable examples. [10]
Q.5) Write short notes : (Any Two) [10]
(a) Role and Importance of Morale
(b) Process of Controlling
(c) Span of Control
Q.6) What is Leadership ? What are the different Styles of Leadership ?
Explain any two. [10]
Q.7) Define ‘Communication’. What are various Barriers to
Communication ? Explain the same. [10]
Q.8) What is the importance of Organising ? Also explain Nature of
Organising. [10]
Q.9) Define the following : (Any Five) [10]
(a) Decision-making
(b) Co-ordination
(c) Budgets
(d) Policies
(e) Formal Organisation
(f) Delegation
Q.10) (A) What is the significance of authority and responsibility in
Staffing ? [05]
(B) What are the characteristics of a Good Leader ? [05]
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - III) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70
Instructions :
(1) Answer any seven questions out of ten.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) Define ‘Management’. What is Henry Fayol’s Classical Management
Theory ? [10]
Q.2) Write short notes : (Any Two) [10]
(a) Levels of Management
(b) Types of Decisions
(c) Need for Co-ordination
Q.3) Define ‘Planning’. What is its importance ? Also state its
advantages. [10]
Q.4) What is Motivation ? Explain Maslow’s Theory of Need Hierarchy
with suitable examples. [10]
Q.5) Write short notes : (Any Two) [10]
(a) Role and Importance of Morale
(b) Process of Controlling
(c) Span of Control
Q.6) What is Leadership ? What are the different Styles of Leadership ?
Explain any two. [10]
Q.7) Define ‘Communication’. What are various Barriers to
Communication ? Explain the same. [10]
Q.8) What is the importance of Organising ? Also explain Nature of
Organising. [10]
Q.9) Define the following : (Any Five) [10]
(a) Decision-making
(b) Co-ordination
(c) Budgets
(d) Policies
(e) Formal Organisation
(f) Delegation
Q.10) (A) What is the significance of authority and responsibility in
Staffing ? [05]
(B) What are the characteristics of a Good Leader ? [05]
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