Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Punjab Technical University BCA 1st Sem Programming in C Model Question Paper

Are you looking for old question papers / model question papers of Punjab Technical University ? You can see here Punjab Technical University BCA first semester model question paper here under. The subject of this question paper is Programming in C. Read more details below and download the contents of the question paper in text format.

Punjab Technical University
Paper ID [A0204]
(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)
BCA (104) (S05 / Old)
First Semester
Time : 03 Hours
Maximum Marks : 75

Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Nine questions from Section - B.

Section - A (15 × 2 = 30)


a) What are self -referential structures?

b) What are 2 searching techniques?

c) What are user defined data types?

d) What are the applications of C programming?

e) What are pointers?

f) What do you mean by identifier and keywords.

g) What are library functions?

h) What is the purpose of gets & puts functions?

i) What is the difference between pre increment and post increment operators?

j) What are different data types in C?

k) What are nested loops?

l) What is the difference between while and do-while?

m) Can we pass function to other functions. If yes how.

n) How can we pass pointers to a function?

o) What are static variables?

Section - B (9 × 5 = 45)

Q2) ‘C is a middle level language’, comment on this statement.

Q3) Explain various C operators.

Q4) Describe various control statement. Also write their syntax.

Q5) Explain recursion with the help of a C program.

Q6) What are different storage classes in C?

Q7) How can you pass parameters to a function?

Q8) What are different input and output functions in C?

Q9) What is interactive programming?

Q10) What is difference between structure and union?

Q11) How can we create a data file in C?

Q12) What are different sorting methods? Explain any one with the help of a C program.

Q13) Write a C program for Binary search.
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