Thursday, December 10, 2015

Reinforced Cement Concrete II BE SGBA University 2014 Question Paper

Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University (SGBA University)
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
B.E. (Civil Engineering)
Fifth Semester (C.G.S.) Examination
Paper-5 CE 01
Sections—A & B
Time : Four Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
(1) All questions carry marks as indicated.
(2) Answer THREE questions from Section A and
THREE questions from Section B.
(3) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate
(4) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
(5) Illustrate your answers wherever necessary with
the help of neat sketches.
(6) I.S. 456 (Revised) I.S. 875, 1.S. 3370,
I.S. 13920 may be consulted.
1. Design a circular tank resting on firm ground with flexible
base to store 5.0 lac litres of water. Maintain D/H ratio
of about 4. Use M 20 concrete mix and Fe 415 grade
steel. Sketch reinforcement details. 13
UYQ-5969(Re) 1 (Contd.)
2. Design a rectangular tank resting on firm ground to store
1.5 lac litres of water. The depth of water in the tank is
restricted to 3.5 m. Use M 25 mix and Fe 415 grade
steel. Sketch reinforcement details. 13
3. (a) Derive from first principle, the following stress block
parameters :
(i) Total compressive force 'C'
(ii) Position of C from the extreme compression
fibre. 10
(b) Derive the expression for limiting depth of neutral
axis for Fe 250 steel. 4
4. Design a roof slab for a hall 20 m x 9 m (c/c), if columns–proyidesLalong the length of hall at 4 m c/c. The
super-imposed load on slab is 4 kN/m 2 . The width of
beams supporting slab is 300 mm. Use M 20 mix and
Fe 415 grade steel. Sketch details. 14
5. Design a 3.5 m x 5.0 m c/c size internal slab panel to
carry an imposed service load of 3 kN/m 2 . Use M 20
mix and Fe 415 grade steel. Sketch details. 13
OR '
6. Design a log-legged staircase for an apartment using
following data :
(i) Beams are provided at the extreme edges of the
two landings.
UYQ-5969(Re) 2 (Contd.)
(ii) Landing slab spams in the same direction

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