Wednesday, December 16, 2015

RGPV BE Question Paper of BE-101 December 2014 Engineering Chemistry

RGPV BE Question Paper of BE-101 Engineering Chemistry June 2015 - Free Download

University / Exam Boad : Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, RGPV Bhopal
Subject Code of Question Paper : BE 101
Semester : I and II Semester Exams Paper
Question Paper Year : December 2014
Engineering Chemistry
Subject of Question Paper : Engineering Chemistry
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
QP Type : Image Format as attached below

Total No. of Question: 5] [Total No. of Pages:4
Roll No.: …………………………
BE - 101
B.E. I and II Semester Examinations, December 2014
Engineering Chemistry
Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 70
Note: i) Answer five questions. In each question, part A, B, C
are compulsory, and part D has internal choice.
 ii) All parts of each question are to be attempted at one
 iii) All questions carry equal marks, out of which part A
and part B (Max. 50 words) carry 2 marks; part C (Max.
100 words) carry 3 marks; part D (Max. 400 words)
carry 7 marks.
iv) Expect numerical, Derivation, Design and Drawing, etc.
Unit - I
1. a. Why does magnesium bicarbonate require double amount of
lime for softening?
b. If silica is present in water, what harmful effects it can
c. Explain the function of calgon and sodium aluminate in
water treatment.
d. Discuss zeolite method of water softening with its limitation.
 A sample of water has been found to contain the following in
ppm: Ca(HCO3)2=10.5, Mg(HCO3)2=12.5, CaSO4=7.5,
CaCl2=8.2, MgSO4=2.6. Calculate the temporary and
permanent hardness in degree French. Calculate lime and
soda for 1000 liters of water.
Unit - II
2. a. Differentiate coal from coke.
b. Give significance of ultimate analysis of coal.
c. What are octane number and cetane number?
d. The percentage composition by weight of a coal sample was
found to be as under: C=81%, H=5%, O=8.5%, S=1%, N=1%
and 3.5% ash.
 i. Calculate the minimum amount of O2 and air required
for complete combustion of 1kg of this coal.
ii. Percentage composition by weight of the dry products
of combustion.
 What is cracking? Discuss moving bed catalytic cracking
with its advantages.
Unit - III
3. a. Give two examples of each, lubricating oils, greases and
solid lubricants.
b. Why anti-oxidants are added to lubricants? Give examples of
it also.
c. What are the constitutional compounds of Portland cement?
d. Discuss important properties of refractories.
 An oil sample under test has a Saybolt universal viscosity
same as that of standard Gulf oil (low viscosity standard)
and Pennsylvanian oil (high viscosity index standard) at
210°F. Their Saybolt universal viscosities at 100°F are 61,
758 and 420 seconds respectively. Calculate viscosity index
of the sample oil.
Unit - IV
4. a. Why natural rubber needs vulcanization?
b. What are the monomer of butyl rubber? What would be its
c. Differentiate thermoplastic resin from thermosetting resin.
d. Give preparation, properties and uses of any two of the following:
 i. Orlon
ii. Dacron
iii. PMMA
 Give preparation, properties and uses of any two of the following:
 i. Urea-Formaldehyde resin
ii. Melamine-Formaldehyde resin
iii. Epoxy resin
Unit - V
5. a. In which region of electromagnetic radiation, do we observe
NMR and vibration spectroscopy?
b. Define chromophore and auxochrome.
c. Write a short note on gas chromatography.
d. A water sample is alkaline to both phenolphthalein and
methyl orange. 200ml of water sample on titration with N/25
HCl required 5ml of the acid to phenolphthalein end point
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