RGPV BE Question Paper of BE-101 Engineering Chemistry December 2014 - Free Download
University / Exam Boad : Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, RGPV Bhopal
Subject Code of Question Paper : BE 101
Semester : I and II Semester Exams Paper
Question Paper Year : December 2014
Subject of Question Paper : Engineering Chemistry
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
University / Exam Boad : Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, RGPV Bhopal
Subject Code of Question Paper : BE 101
Semester : I and II Semester Exams Paper
Question Paper Year : December 2014
Subject of Question Paper : Engineering Chemistry
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
BE - 101
B.E. I & II Semester Examination, December 2013
Engineering Chemistry
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note: Total number of question 10. Attempt one question (including all parts) from each unit. Assume
missing data if any suitably.
Unit - I
1. a) Define softening of water. Describe the Zeolite method of softening of hard water with the
help of neat and labelled diagram. 6
b) What is boiler corrosion. Discuss its causes? 4
c) Write short note on any two- 4
i) Caustic embrittlement
ii) Chlorination
iii) CaCO3
2. a) Define hardness of water. Discuss the internal treatment method of water softening. 6
b) What is Boiler Trouble? Explain the causes of scale formation. 4
c) A sample of water on analysis was found to contain the following Ca(HCO3
 = 4 mg/l,
 = 6 mg/l, CaSO4
 = 8 mg/l, MgSO4
 = 10 mg/l. Calculate the temporary,
permanent and total hardness of water in ppm, °Cl and °Fr. 4
Unit - II
3. a) Define calorific value. How it is determine by bomb calorimeter? 6
b) Discuss the parameters of ultimate analysis of coal? 4
c) Write short note on any two. 4
i) Anti knock compound
ii) Octane No
iii) Carbanization
4. a) Describe the Otto-Hoffmann’s method for the manufacture of coke. Write the recovery of by
products. 7
b) On burning 0.83 g of a solid fuel in a bomb calorimeter, the temperature of 3500g of water
increases from 26.5° C to 29.2° C. Water equivalent of calorimeter and latent heat of steam
are 385g and 587 cal/g respectively. If the fuel contains 0.7% hydrogen, calculate its gross
and net calorific value? 7
Unit - III
5. a) Define lubricant. Discuss the classification of lubricants. 6
b) Write short note on any two: 4
i) Saponification value
ii) Thermal spalling
iii) Blended oil
c) Explain cement manufacture by wet process. 4
6. a) Define lubrication. Describe hydrodynamic mechanism of lubrication. 6
b) What are refractories. Describe the properties of refractories. 4
c) An oil sample under test has a Saybolt universal viscosity same as that of Standard Gulf oil
(low viscosity standard) and Pennsylvanian oil (high viscosity index standard) at 100°F are
61758 and 420 respectively. Calculate viscosity index of the sample oil. 4
Unit - IV
7. a) Define polymerisation. Explain free radicals mechanism of polymerisation. 6
b) Write preparation, properties and uses of buna-N. 4
c) Explain condensation polymerisation with two examples. 4
8. a) Discuss the classification of polymers on the basis of molecular forces. 6
b) Explain polyvinyl chloride is stronger and tougher than polyethylene. 4
c) Write short note on any two- 4
i) Vulcanisation
ii) Phenolic Resin
iii) Nylon-6,6
Unit - V
9. a) Discuss in brief the type of molecular vibrations. 6
b) Explain Gas Liquid Chromatography. 4
c) Write short note on any two- 4
i) Lambert Beer law
ii) Chemical shift
iii) Partition chromatography
10. a) Define spectroscopy discuss the principle and working of NMR spectroscopy. 6
b) Write short note on application of UV spectroscopy. 4
c) Write short note on any two- 4
i) Stretching and Bending vibrations
ii) Chromophores
iii) Significance of IR spectroscopy.
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