Wednesday, December 16, 2015

RGPV BE Question Paper of BE-103 December 2014 Communication Skills

RGPV BE Question Paper of BE-103 Communication Skills December 2014 - Free Download

University / Exam Boad : Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, RGPV Bhopal
Subject Code of Question Paper : BE 103
Semester : I and II Semester Exams Paper
Question Paper Year : December 2014
Subject of Question Paper : Communication Skills
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 70

BE-103 PTO
Total No. of Questions :5] [Total No. of Printed Pages :1
Roll No .................................. BE - 103
B.E. I & II Semester Examination, December 2014
Communication Skills
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note:i) Answer five questions. In each question partA, B, C is compulsory and D part has internal choice.
ii) All parts of each questions are to be attempted at one place.
iii)All questions carry equal marks, out of which part A and B (Max.50 words) carry 2 marks,
part C (Max.100 words) carry 3 marks, part D (Max.400 words) carry 7 marks.
iv) Except numericals, Derivation, Design and Drawing etc.
Unit - I
1. a) Define ‘Communication’.
b) Why is oral communication considered as effective mode of discussion.
c) Write a note on the role of gestures as non verbal communication.
d) “Reading is a complex communicative process of receiving and interpreting the written word”
Elaborate upon this statement.
Describe the process of communication, indicating clearly the role of each constituent element.
Unit - II
2. a) What is a technical definition?
b) What are the factors to keep in mind while describing a technical process?
c) Develop a short paragraph of 100 words on “The impact of social media”.
d) Listening plays a significant role in the interactive process of business communication.
Suggest some ways of improving communication skills.
Write a note on any two of the following:
i) Company structure ii) Value of Wavell iii) “Health is Wealth”
Unit - III
3. a) Define ‘letter of enquiry’.
b) Distinguish between a tender and a quotation.
c) What are the steps necessary for the efficient and prompt handling of an order?
d) Write a note on the structure of an application letter.
What is a resume? Elucidate with an example.
Unit - IV
4. a) Define precis.
b) What are the functions of note making?
c) Differentiate between Bibliography and test of references in a report.
d) Write a technical description of a lathe machine.
Describe the process of titration.
Unit - V
5. a) What are ‘appendices’ in a report?
b) What is the difference between routine report and non-routine reports?
c) Distinguish between formal and informal conversations.
d) What are the steps you would take for planning a presentation.
Reproduce a telephonic conversation between two friends discussing their New Year
Resolutions for 2015.

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