University Of Pune Question Paper
S. Y. B. A. B. Ed. (Integrated) Examination - 2010
(General - II)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Answer the following in 20 words each : (Any Ten) [20]
(1) Define the term ‘Bank’.
(2) Write meaning of Commerical Banking.
(3) What is Demand Draft ?
(4) Write meaning of Goods Mortgage.
(5) Define Negotiable Instruments.
(6) What is Bill of Exchange ?
(7) Define Co-operative Movement.
(8) What is Co-operative Banking ?
(9) What is NABARD ?
(10) Write meaning of Globalisation.
(11) Define Consumer.
(12) Write meaning of P.A.C.
(13) Write two names of Housing Co-operatives.
Q.2) Answer the following in 50 words each : (Any Five) [20]
(a) Write limitations of Multiple Credit Creation.
(b) Write Achievements of Nationalisation of Commercial Banks.
(c) Write characteristics of Cheque.
(d) Explain objectives of Monetary Policies.
(e) Write importance of Co-operative Movement.
(f) Write Defects of D.C.C.B.
(g) Explain problems of Dairy Co-opretives in Maharashtra.
Q.3) Answer the following in 150 words each : (Any Three) [30]
(a) Write problems of Sugar Industries and suggest measures to
control them.
(b) Explain structure of Indian Banking.
(c) Define Co-operation and explain principles of Co-operation.
(d) Explain effects of Globalisation on Co-operative Banking.
(e) Explain problems of Housing Co-operatives and suggest measures
to overcome them.
Q.4) Answer the following within 300 words each : (Any Two) [30]
(a) Define Consumer Co-operatives and explain their progress and
problems and suggest measures to control problems.
(b) What is Co-operative Agricultural Marketing ? Explain its
problems and suggest measures to control them.
(c) Define Endorsement and explain its types and effect on Banking
S. Y. B. A. B. Ed. (Integrated) Examination - 2010
(General - II)
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100
Instructions :
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1) Answer the following in 20 words each : (Any Ten) [20]
(1) Define the term ‘Bank’.
(2) Write meaning of Commerical Banking.
(3) What is Demand Draft ?
(4) Write meaning of Goods Mortgage.
(5) Define Negotiable Instruments.
(6) What is Bill of Exchange ?
(7) Define Co-operative Movement.
(8) What is Co-operative Banking ?
(9) What is NABARD ?
(10) Write meaning of Globalisation.
(11) Define Consumer.
(12) Write meaning of P.A.C.
(13) Write two names of Housing Co-operatives.
Q.2) Answer the following in 50 words each : (Any Five) [20]
(a) Write limitations of Multiple Credit Creation.
(b) Write Achievements of Nationalisation of Commercial Banks.
(c) Write characteristics of Cheque.
(d) Explain objectives of Monetary Policies.
(e) Write importance of Co-operative Movement.
(f) Write Defects of D.C.C.B.
(g) Explain problems of Dairy Co-opretives in Maharashtra.
Q.3) Answer the following in 150 words each : (Any Three) [30]
(a) Write problems of Sugar Industries and suggest measures to
control them.
(b) Explain structure of Indian Banking.
(c) Define Co-operation and explain principles of Co-operation.
(d) Explain effects of Globalisation on Co-operative Banking.
(e) Explain problems of Housing Co-operatives and suggest measures
to overcome them.
Q.4) Answer the following within 300 words each : (Any Two) [30]
(a) Define Consumer Co-operatives and explain their progress and
problems and suggest measures to control problems.
(b) What is Co-operative Agricultural Marketing ? Explain its
problems and suggest measures to control them.
(c) Define Endorsement and explain its types and effect on Banking
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