Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Satellite Commmunication Kannur University 2011 Question Paper

Are you searching B.Tech Computer Science Engineering Question Papers? Here You can find Satellite Commmunication Question Papers.
VII Semester B.Tech. (Reg./Suppl./Imp.-Including(Part Time) Degree
Examination, November 2O11
(2007 Admn.)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100


1. Why satellite communication is so important ? [Marks 5]

2. Describe about orbital mechanics. [Marks 5]

3. What do you mean by look angle ? Explain. [Marks 5]

4. State Grassmans Law and mention its significance. [Marks 5]

5. Explain about spread spectrum transmission system. [Marks 5]

6. Explain about GPS position location principles. [Marks 5]

7. Describe satellite signal acquisition and mention its importance. [Marks 5]

8. Describe the concept of motion compensation. [Marks 5]


9. a) Explain with neat diagram satellite communication system. [Marks 10]

b) Mention about future trends in satellite communication system. [Marks 5]


10. Explain about orbital effects in communication systems.

11. a) Mention elaborately about satellite telemetry tracking systems. [Marks 15]


12. a) Enlist the features of satellite antenna equipments. [Marks 10]

b) Explain about primary power test methods. [Marks 5]

13. a) Explain with neat block diagram FDMA and mention its importance. [Marks 15]


14. a) Provide examples of TDMA frame structures and explain. [Marks 10]

b) Explain about spread spectrum transmission system. [Marks 5]

15. Design a down link/uplink for an educational institution and mention its

specification. [Marks 15]


16. Describe with neat block diagram satellite navigation system. [Marks 15]

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