University Of Pune Question Paper
S.E. (Civil) (Semester – I) Examination, 2011
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Answers to the two Sections should be written on separate
answer books.
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. a) What is metamorphism ? What are the agents of metamorphism ? Explain the
role of metamorphism. Describe the types of metamorphism. 12
b) Write a note on weathering. 4
a) Write detailed notes on :
i) Structures of Sedimentary rocks. 5
ii) Classification of Igneous rocks based on SiO2 %. 5
b) Write notes on (any two) :
i) Clastic Texture. 3
ii) Organic Deposits. 3
iii) Sub Divisions of Geology. 3
2. a) Define a fault. Describe the parts of fault and their types. What is the
engineering significance of fault ? 12
b) Note on Recumbent fold. 4
2. Write briefly on :
a) Concordant and discordant Igneous intrusions. 8
b) Strike and dip. 4
c) Horst and Graben. 4
3. a) Write an essay on varieties and distribution with origin of Deccan Trap Basalt. 10
b) Write notes on (any two) :
• Gondwana System. 4
• Products of Volcanoes. 4
• Vindhyan Building Stones. 4
• Internal Structure of Earth. 4
3. a) Write notes on :
• Name the types of Iandslides. 3
• Isoseismal lines. 3
b) Write in short about Physiographic divisions of India. 4
c) Write an explanation of orogenic and epirogenic mountains. 4
d) Quartz and Calcite look alike. What physical property distinguishes quartz
and calcite ? 4
4. Write notes on : 4 each
a) Importance of length and number of core pieces during drilling.
b) Limitations of drilling.
c) Image Interpretation.
d) Storage and indexing of core pieces.
4. a) G.I.S. and applications of it in Civil Engineering. 6
b) What are the observations and precautions to be taken during drilling at a
project site ? Explain with suitable examples. 10
5. Write briefly on with sketches if any :
a) Cone of depression and Radius of influence. 6
b) Requirement of Good building stone. 6
c) Contact springs in Deccan trap area. 4
5. a) What are artesian wells ? Explain various conditions leading to formation of
it with neat sketches. 8
b) What are mass movements ? How can we minimise / prevent it ? 8
6. a) Discuss Geological conditions suitable for reservoir sites. 6
b) Influence of divisional planes on tunnelling work. 6
c) Treatment to dykes and features crossing dam alignment. 6
6. a) Under what conditions leakage occurs below the dam ? Explain with suitable
examples. 6
b) Feasibility of tunnelling through tectonic areas. 6
c) Importance of surface survey in the selection of a dam site. 6
S.E. (Civil) (Semester – I) Examination, 2011
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Answers to the two Sections should be written on separate
answer books.
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. a) What is metamorphism ? What are the agents of metamorphism ? Explain the
role of metamorphism. Describe the types of metamorphism. 12
b) Write a note on weathering. 4
a) Write detailed notes on :
i) Structures of Sedimentary rocks. 5
ii) Classification of Igneous rocks based on SiO2 %. 5
b) Write notes on (any two) :
i) Clastic Texture. 3
ii) Organic Deposits. 3
iii) Sub Divisions of Geology. 3
2. a) Define a fault. Describe the parts of fault and their types. What is the
engineering significance of fault ? 12
b) Note on Recumbent fold. 4
2. Write briefly on :
a) Concordant and discordant Igneous intrusions. 8
b) Strike and dip. 4
c) Horst and Graben. 4
3. a) Write an essay on varieties and distribution with origin of Deccan Trap Basalt. 10
b) Write notes on (any two) :
• Gondwana System. 4
• Products of Volcanoes. 4
• Vindhyan Building Stones. 4
• Internal Structure of Earth. 4
3. a) Write notes on :
• Name the types of Iandslides. 3
• Isoseismal lines. 3
b) Write in short about Physiographic divisions of India. 4
c) Write an explanation of orogenic and epirogenic mountains. 4
d) Quartz and Calcite look alike. What physical property distinguishes quartz
and calcite ? 4
4. Write notes on : 4 each
a) Importance of length and number of core pieces during drilling.
b) Limitations of drilling.
c) Image Interpretation.
d) Storage and indexing of core pieces.
4. a) G.I.S. and applications of it in Civil Engineering. 6
b) What are the observations and precautions to be taken during drilling at a
project site ? Explain with suitable examples. 10
5. Write briefly on with sketches if any :
a) Cone of depression and Radius of influence. 6
b) Requirement of Good building stone. 6
c) Contact springs in Deccan trap area. 4
5. a) What are artesian wells ? Explain various conditions leading to formation of
it with neat sketches. 8
b) What are mass movements ? How can we minimise / prevent it ? 8
6. a) Discuss Geological conditions suitable for reservoir sites. 6
b) Influence of divisional planes on tunnelling work. 6
c) Treatment to dykes and features crossing dam alignment. 6
6. a) Under what conditions leakage occurs below the dam ? Explain with suitable
examples. 6
b) Feasibility of tunnelling through tectonic areas. 6
c) Importance of surface survey in the selection of a dam site. 6
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