Wednesday, December 9, 2015

S.E. (Mechanical) (Semester – II),2011 Question Paper,METALLURGY,University Of Pune Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
S.E. (Mechanical) (Semester – II) Examination, 2011
METALLURGY (2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
1. a) Represent the following planes and directions in the cubic system :
i) (1-
00) ii) (111) iii) (220)
iv) (010) v) [110] vi) [001] 6
b) What are the types of line imperfection in a crystal ? What is their effect on
plastic deformation of crystal ? 6
c) Differentiate between hot working and cold working. 4
2. a) A face centered cubic single crystal yields under a normal stress of 2.15 MPa.
If the cosine of angle (φ ) between the direction of force and normal to slip
plane is 0.617 and the cosine of angle (θ ) between direction of force and slip
direction is 0.756, determine critical resolved shear stress for this crystal. 6
b) Explain with the help of neat figure the effect of coldworking and annealing on
properties and microstructure of metals and alloys. 6
c) Differentiate between slip and twinning. 4
3. a) A metal bar is subjected to tensile test. The initial diameter and guage length
were 12.3 mm and 62 mm respectively. The load at yield point was 66 kN, the
maximum load observed 82.8 kN and breaking load was 58 kN. The diameter
of bar was 9.06 mm at the fracture surface and final gauge length was 74 mm.
Determine :
i) Yield stress ii) Ultimate tensile stress
iii) Breaking stress iv) % Elongation
v) % reduction in area of cross section. 6
[3962] – 269 -2-
b) i) Draw a creep curve clearly showing various stages of creep. Also draw
figures illustrating effect of stress and temperature on the creep curve. 3
ii) What is notch sensitivity ? Why notches are provided on impact test pieces ? 3
c) Distinguish between ultrasonic and eddy current test. 4
4. a) i) Define any three of the following :
1) Elastic limit 2) Proof stress
3) Resilience 4) Stiffness. 3
ii) What are the advantages and limitations of Vicker’s hardness test ? 3
b) i) What are the various methods of improving fatigue life of a component ? 3
ii) Explain the principle of radiographic test. 3
c) Distinguish between magnetic particle test and Dye penetrant test. 4
5. a) Define and explain the following terms :
i) Ferrite ii) Austenite iii) Cementite. 6
b) Draw well labelled microstructures of any 2 :
i) 0.2% Carbon steel
ii) 0.8% Carbon steel
iii) 1.2% Carbon steel. 6
c) How are steels classified ? What is the importance of deoxidation of steel ? 6
6. a) Define and explain the following terms :
i) Allotropy
ii) Critical temperature
iii) Eutectoid reaction. 6
b) What are the factors that differentiate ferritic, austenitic and martensitic stainless
steel from each other ? Explain. 6
-3- [3962] – 269
c) Give one application each of the following :
i) Mild steel ii) C40
iii) AISI 1080 iv) AISI 304 (SS304)
v) XT75W18Cr4V1 vi) Invar. 6
7. A) What are transformation products of austenite ? Explain each type of
transformation and comment about the mechanical properties of these product
phases. 6
B) Write notes on ‘Induction hardening’ and ‘Flame hardening’. Explain how
these heat treatments are different from other case hardening treatments. 6
C) Explain the term ‘hardenability’ of steels. State the factors that affect the
hardenability. 4
8. A) Draw Time-Temperature-Transformation curve for eutectoid steel. Explain
the method of plotting this curve. 6
B) Describe liquid and gas carburising treatments. 6
C) With neat sketch explain Jominy Hardenability Test. 4
9. A) Explain characteristic properties, microstructures and applications of grey
cast irons. What are ‘A’ and ‘B’ type of flakes in grey cast iron ? 6
B) Enlist requirements from materials for becoming bearing material. Which are
commonly used bearing materials ? 6
C) Write a note on ‘Alloy cast irons’. 4
10. A) Compare white cast iron, grey cast iron, nodular cast iron and malleable cast
iron on the basis of microstructure, properties and applications. 8
B) Give composition, properties and typical applications of following non-ferrous
alloys (ANY 4) :
i) Hastealloy ii) Duralumin iii) Gilding metal
iv) LM-6 v) Muntz metal vi) Cartridge brass. 8
11. A) Enlist the methods for production of powders for powder metallurgical
components. Explain any two of these methods in detail. 6
B) What are merits of powder metallurgy as a manufacturing process ? Explain
the manufacturing method of self lubricated bearing. 6
C) Explain construction, principle and working of thermoelectric pyrometer. 6
12. Write short notes on the following (any 6) :
a) Cemented carbides
b) Resistance pyrometer
c) Compaction and sintering
d) Limitations of powder metallurgy
e) Total radiation pyrometer
f) Tempil sticks and seger cones
g) Oil impregnated bearings
h) Disappearing filament pyrometer. 18

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