Thursday, December 10, 2015

SGBA University BA COMPULSORY ENGLISH 2013 Question Paper

Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University (SGBA University)
Question Paper Code: AL-1003
B.A. (Part—I) Examination
Exam Year : 2013
Time—Three Hours] [Maximum Marks-70
N.B. :— For question nos. 5, 6 and 7 more than ONE answer will be considered invalid.

1. Answer any THREE of the following questions in about 100 words each :— 15
(a) What according to Smt. Pratibhatai Patil are the different measures that need to be taken to empower women in India ?
(b) Sketch the character of Milkin from the story The Suitor And Papa.
(c) Write in detail about the various awards and titles conferred on Dr. C.V. Raman.
(d) Write a short character sketch of Hughie Erskine.
(e) How is the game of chess a history of the medieval times ? Explain with reference to the way a
chessboard is set.

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