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VII Semester B.Tech. (Reg./Sup./Imp. - Including Part Time) Degree
Examination, November 2011
(2007 Admn.)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks : 100
Instruction : Answer all questions.
I. a) Write notes on single layer perception with suitable sketches. [Marks 5]
bi With neat sketches compare a biological neuron and its artificial counterpart. [Marks 5]
c) Write notes on the competitive learning networks. [Marks 5]
d) Explain Hebbian learning algorithm. [Marks 5]
e) Write notes on fuzzy set and fuzzy set operations. [Marks 5]
f) Write notes on fuzzy control methods. [Marks 5]
g) Write notes on decision trees. [Marks 5]
h) Write notes on expert control. [Marks 5]
II. a) Explain in detail about the multilayer perception and its training algorithms. [Marks 15]
b) Explain with the help of neat sketches the concepts and architecture of adaptive
networks. [Marks 15]
III. a) Explain of Kohonens self-organizing networks in detail with neat sketches. [Marks 15]
b) Explain traveling sales person problem in detail. [Marks 15]
IV.a) Explain the Mamdanitype luzzy inference modelin detail. [Marks 15]
b) Explain in detail extension principles andluzzy relations. [Marks 8]
c) Explain any one of the de-fuzzyfication methods in detail. [Marks 7]
v. a) Explain the cart algorithm fortree induction in detail. [Marks 15]
b) Explain with neat sketches and examples the feedback control system in detail. [Marks 15]
VII Semester B.Tech. (Reg./Sup./Imp. - Including Part Time) Degree
Examination, November 2011
(2007 Admn.)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks : 100
Instruction : Answer all questions.
I. a) Write notes on single layer perception with suitable sketches. [Marks 5]
bi With neat sketches compare a biological neuron and its artificial counterpart. [Marks 5]
c) Write notes on the competitive learning networks. [Marks 5]
d) Explain Hebbian learning algorithm. [Marks 5]
e) Write notes on fuzzy set and fuzzy set operations. [Marks 5]
f) Write notes on fuzzy control methods. [Marks 5]
g) Write notes on decision trees. [Marks 5]
h) Write notes on expert control. [Marks 5]
II. a) Explain in detail about the multilayer perception and its training algorithms. [Marks 15]
b) Explain with the help of neat sketches the concepts and architecture of adaptive
networks. [Marks 15]
III. a) Explain of Kohonens self-organizing networks in detail with neat sketches. [Marks 15]
b) Explain traveling sales person problem in detail. [Marks 15]
IV.a) Explain the Mamdanitype luzzy inference modelin detail. [Marks 15]
b) Explain in detail extension principles andluzzy relations. [Marks 8]
c) Explain any one of the de-fuzzyfication methods in detail. [Marks 7]
v. a) Explain the cart algorithm fortree induction in detail. [Marks 15]
b) Explain with neat sketches and examples the feedback control system in detail. [Marks 15]
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