Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Soft Computing Question Paper of Kannur University 2011Question paper

Are you searching B.Tech Computer Science Engineering Question Papers? Here You can find Soft Computing Question Papers.

VII Semester B.Tech. (Reg./Sup./Imp. - Including Part Time) Degree
Examination, November 2011
(2007 Admn.)

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks : 100

Instruction : Answer all questions.

I. a) Write notes on single layer perception with suitable sketches. [Marks 5]

bi With neat sketches compare a biological neuron and its artificial counterpart. [Marks 5]

c) Write notes on the competitive learning networks. [Marks 5]

d) Explain Hebbian learning algorithm. [Marks 5]

e) Write notes on fuzzy set and fuzzy set operations. [Marks 5]

f) Write notes on fuzzy control methods. [Marks 5]

g) Write notes on decision trees. [Marks 5]

h) Write notes on expert control. [Marks 5]

II. a) Explain in detail about the multilayer perception and its training algorithms. [Marks 15]


b) Explain with the help of neat sketches the concepts and architecture of adaptive
networks. [Marks 15]

III. a) Explain of Kohonens self-organizing networks in detail with neat sketches. [Marks 15]


b) Explain traveling sales person problem in detail. [Marks 15]
IV.a) Explain the Mamdanitype luzzy inference modelin detail. [Marks 15]


b) Explain in detail extension principles andluzzy relations. [Marks 8]

c) Explain any one of the de-fuzzyfication methods in detail. [Marks 7]

v. a) Explain the cart algorithm fortree induction in detail. [Marks 15]


b) Explain with neat sketches and examples the feedback control system in detail. [Marks 15]

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