University Of Pune Question Paper
B.H.M.C.T. (Third Semester) EXAMINATION, 2010
Time : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 40
N.B. :— (i) Attempt any Four questions
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) Draw block diagram of computer system and explain functions
of each unit. [2+2=4]
(b) What is extension of MS-PowerPoint file ? Give steps to insert
and delete slide in MS-PowerPoint. [1+1+1=3]
(c) Explain the AutoFill feature in MS-Excel. [3]
2. (a) Explain the following MS-DOS commands with examples : [3]
(i) Date
(ii) Time
(iii) Ver
(b) Give the steps to change the margin of a page. State different
types of margins in MS-Word. [1+3=4]
(c) Give the steps for slide transition and name any two slide transitions
in MS-PowerPoint. [1+2=3]
3. (a) Define the terms field, record, table in DBMS. [1+1+1=3]
(b) Give any five advantages of Internet. [5]
(c) Give any two features of MS-Excel. [2]
4. (a) What is extension of MS-Word file ? Give steps to set ‘page
background’ and ‘change case’ in MS-word. [1+1+1=3]
(b) What is browser ? Give names of any two browsers. [1+2=3]
(c) Give 2 ways to delete rows and delete columns in a work-sheet.
Explain currency format in Excel. [2+2=4]
5. (a) Give any four advantages of E-commerce. [4]
(b) Explain the term primary key in MS-Access. [3]
(c) Define the term Desktop, Icons, Folders used in windows. [3]
6. (a) Give any four differences between LAN and WAN. [4]
(b) Explain the wild cards used in MS-DOS. [2]
(c) Give four advantages of MS-Access as a database. [4]
B.H.M.C.T. (Third Semester) EXAMINATION, 2010
Time : Two Hours Maximum Marks : 40
N.B. :— (i) Attempt any Four questions
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) Draw block diagram of computer system and explain functions
of each unit. [2+2=4]
(b) What is extension of MS-PowerPoint file ? Give steps to insert
and delete slide in MS-PowerPoint. [1+1+1=3]
(c) Explain the AutoFill feature in MS-Excel. [3]
2. (a) Explain the following MS-DOS commands with examples : [3]
(i) Date
(ii) Time
(iii) Ver
(b) Give the steps to change the margin of a page. State different
types of margins in MS-Word. [1+3=4]
(c) Give the steps for slide transition and name any two slide transitions
in MS-PowerPoint. [1+2=3]
3. (a) Define the terms field, record, table in DBMS. [1+1+1=3]
(b) Give any five advantages of Internet. [5]
(c) Give any two features of MS-Excel. [2]
4. (a) What is extension of MS-Word file ? Give steps to set ‘page
background’ and ‘change case’ in MS-word. [1+1+1=3]
(b) What is browser ? Give names of any two browsers. [1+2=3]
(c) Give 2 ways to delete rows and delete columns in a work-sheet.
Explain currency format in Excel. [2+2=4]
5. (a) Give any four advantages of E-commerce. [4]
(b) Explain the term primary key in MS-Access. [3]
(c) Define the term Desktop, Icons, Folders used in windows. [3]
6. (a) Give any four differences between LAN and WAN. [4]
(b) Explain the wild cards used in MS-DOS. [2]
(c) Give four advantages of MS-Access as a database. [4]
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