Friday, December 11, 2015

University Of Pune Question Paper,804 : ADVERTISEMENT AND PUBLIC RELATIONS,B.H.M.C.T. (Eighth Semester),2010 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
B.H.M.C.T. (Eighth Semester) EXAMINATION, 2010
(2002 PATTERN)
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 80
N.B. :— (i) All questions carry equal marks.
(ii) Answer any four questions.
(iii) Assume suitable data if required.
1. (a) Discuss the following ‘‘M’s’’ of advertisements :
(i) Measurement
(ii) Message.
(b) What are the duties and responsibilities of public relation
manager ? [20]
2. With the help of a neat format, explain the essential details to
be included in the brochure of a five star hotel. [20]
3. (a) Discuss the factors to be considered while setting the advertisement
(b) Enlist the various types of media which can be used for advertising
and state any two advantages and any two disadvantages of
each media. [20]
4. Give any five examples of ‘‘Good’’ advertisements, giving the
name of the product advertised, message and media used for
the same. Justify why they are called as ‘‘Good’’ advertisements.
5. Write notes on : [4×5=20]
(a) Reach, frequency and impact
(b) Ethics in advertisement
(c) Legal aspects of advertisement
(d) Promotional tools.
6. (a) What are the objectives of ‘‘Advertisement’’ ?
(b) How would you identify your target audience with reference
to hotel industry ? [10+10]
7. (a) State the differences between Publicity and Public
(b) Explain the ‘‘styles’’ of message execution. [10+10]
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