University Of Pune Question Paper
M.C.A. (Semester – V) (Mgt. Faculty) Examination, 2010
(2005 Pattern) (Old)
Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 70
Note : 1) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
2) Q. No. 7 is compulsory.
3) Solve any 5 from remaining.
1. Explain Stack and Heap based storage management. 10
2. Discuss the process of program interpretation of execution. 10
3. Explain variations in sub-program control. 10
4. Write in detail syntactical elements of language. 10
5. Explain layers of virtual computer for any program. 10
6. What is Program Environment ? Discuss effect of environment language design. 10
7. Short notes (any 4) : 20
1) Attributes of good language
2) Firmware computer
3) Arithmatic and non-arithmatic expression
4) Embedded systems
5) Features of C++ Programming.
M.C.A. (Semester – V) (Mgt. Faculty) Examination, 2010
(2005 Pattern) (Old)
Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 70
Note : 1) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
2) Q. No. 7 is compulsory.
3) Solve any 5 from remaining.
1. Explain Stack and Heap based storage management. 10
2. Discuss the process of program interpretation of execution. 10
3. Explain variations in sub-program control. 10
4. Write in detail syntactical elements of language. 10
5. Explain layers of virtual computer for any program. 10
6. What is Program Environment ? Discuss effect of environment language design. 10
7. Short notes (any 4) : 20
1) Attributes of good language
2) Firmware computer
3) Arithmatic and non-arithmatic expression
4) Embedded systems
5) Features of C++ Programming.
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