University Of Pune Question Paper
LL. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
(New Course)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any four questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) Discuss notion of Data Protection. Explain principles of Data Protection
and Data Quality. [15]
Q.2) Evaluate and examine advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce. [15]
Q.3) Critically evaluate Ethics and Etiquettes in Cyber World. [15]
Q.4) “Cyber Crimes are considered as borderless crimes.” Explain problems
faced so far as jurisdiction is concerned. [15]
Q.5) Information and Technology Act, 2000 is based on UNCITRAL Model
Law, 1998. Discuss historical background and salient features of
IT Act, 2000. [15]
Q.6) “Cyber Crimes are more dangerous than the Traditional Crimes.”
Comment. [15]
Q.7) What is a Digital Signature ? Explain steps involved in creating
a Digital Signature. [15]
Q.8) Explain E-governance. State whether shifting from Paper Work to
Paperless Transaction is an easy task. [15]
LL. M. ( Semester - III ) Examination - 2010
(New Course)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any four questions.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1) Discuss notion of Data Protection. Explain principles of Data Protection
and Data Quality. [15]
Q.2) Evaluate and examine advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce. [15]
Q.3) Critically evaluate Ethics and Etiquettes in Cyber World. [15]
Q.4) “Cyber Crimes are considered as borderless crimes.” Explain problems
faced so far as jurisdiction is concerned. [15]
Q.5) Information and Technology Act, 2000 is based on UNCITRAL Model
Law, 1998. Discuss historical background and salient features of
IT Act, 2000. [15]
Q.6) “Cyber Crimes are more dangerous than the Traditional Crimes.”
Comment. [15]
Q.7) What is a Digital Signature ? Explain steps involved in creating
a Digital Signature. [15]
Q.8) Explain E-governance. State whether shifting from Paper Work to
Paperless Transaction is an easy task. [15]
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