University Of Pune Question Paper
Diploma in Labour Laws and Labour Welfare Examination, 2010
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
N.B. : a) Answer any five questions.
b) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Examine the rights and liabilities of registered trade unions under the Trade Unions
Act, 1926.
2. Define the term ‘Standing Order’ and discuss the procedure for certification and
modification of standing orders under the Industrial Employment (standing orders)
Act, 1946.
3. Examine the powers and duties of Industrial court under the Bombay Industrial
Relations Act, 1946.
4. Analyse the provisions relating to Lay-off Retrenchment and closure under the
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
5. Define the term ‘Lock-out’ and discuss the provisions relating to Illegal Strikes
and Lock-outs under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
6. Distinguish between the Bombay Industrial Relations Act, 1946 and The Industrial
Disputes Act, 1947.
7. Discuss the provisions relating to ‘Rights and Obligations of Recognized Union’
under the Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Unions and Prevention of Unfair
Labour Practices Act, 1971.
8. a) Discuss the definition of ‘Industry’ under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
and the Bombay Industrial Relations Act, 1946.
b) Explain the powers and duties of Labour Officers under the Bombay Industrial
Relations Act, 1946.
Diploma in Labour Laws and Labour Welfare Examination, 2010
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
N.B. : a) Answer any five questions.
b) All questions carry equal marks.
1. Examine the rights and liabilities of registered trade unions under the Trade Unions
Act, 1926.
2. Define the term ‘Standing Order’ and discuss the procedure for certification and
modification of standing orders under the Industrial Employment (standing orders)
Act, 1946.
3. Examine the powers and duties of Industrial court under the Bombay Industrial
Relations Act, 1946.
4. Analyse the provisions relating to Lay-off Retrenchment and closure under the
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
5. Define the term ‘Lock-out’ and discuss the provisions relating to Illegal Strikes
and Lock-outs under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
6. Distinguish between the Bombay Industrial Relations Act, 1946 and The Industrial
Disputes Act, 1947.
7. Discuss the provisions relating to ‘Rights and Obligations of Recognized Union’
under the Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Unions and Prevention of Unfair
Labour Practices Act, 1971.
8. a) Discuss the definition of ‘Industry’ under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
and the Bombay Industrial Relations Act, 1946.
b) Explain the powers and duties of Labour Officers under the Bombay Industrial
Relations Act, 1946.
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