Thursday, December 10, 2015

University Of Pune Question Paper,ENGLISH Special Paper – II (Understanding Poetry),S.Y.B.A. Examination,2010 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
S.Y.B.A. Examination, 2010
Special Paper – II
(Understanding Poetry)
(Old Course) (2004 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
Texts Prescribed : The Mystic Drum : An Anthology of Poems in English
 N.B.: i) All questions are compulsory.
ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Answer any ten of the following in not more than 40 words each : 20
i) What is a lyric ? Give an example.
ii) Write two features of the Romantic Poetry.
iii) What is hyperbole ? Give an example.
iv) State any two features of Romantic poetry.
v) Explain the structure of villanelle.
vi) What is the structure of Shakespearean sonnet ?
vii) Explain the concept of symbol with a suitable example.
viii) What is a dramatic monologue ?
ix) What do you mean by elegy ?
x) State the importance of repetition in a poem.
xi) State any two features of War poetry.
xii) What do you mean by a pun ?
xiii) Define allusion. Give an example.
2. Attempt any two of the following in not more than 100 words each : 10
i) Describe various scenes depicted on the Urn in ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’.
ii) How does the poet express his grief for his lost friend in the poem ‘Break,
Break, Break’ ?
iii) What appeal does the poet make to his father in ‘Do not Go Gentle into That
Good Night’ ?
iv) In what sense is the poem ‘London’ a satire ?
3. Attempt any two of the following in not more than 200 words each : 20
i) Discuss ‘Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T. S.’ as an Indian poem in Indian
ii) “The poem ‘Richard Cory’ depicts life and death as seen by the people”.
iii) Comment on the narrator’s attitude towards the old woman in ‘An Old Woman’.
iv) How does the poet handle the theme of poverty in the poem ‘Hunger’ ?
4. a) Explain with reference to the context any two of the following : 10
i) He will not go behind his father’s saying,
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, “Good fences make good neighbours”.
ii) Death begins to seem a friend that one has almost
forgotten, then remembers.
In my dream, last night, I was playing in the garden.
iii) Restore us to fire. New refugees,
Wearing blood-red wool in the worst heat,
Come from Tibet, scanning the sea from the north,
Dazed, holes in their cracked foot.
iv) Then the drum beat with the rhythm
of things of the ground
and invoked the eye of the sky
the sun and the moon and the river gods
and the trees began to dance.
b) Attempt any two of the following : 20
i) How does the poet justify woman’s creativity and her superiority over man
in ‘Woman to Man’ ?
ii) Discuss Sylvia Plath’s ‘Daddy’ as a confessional poem.
iii) What is the significance of the comparison between the pictures of mother
and child in the poem ‘Refugee Mother and Child’ ?
iv) How does the poem ‘Father Returning Home’ deals with the theme of
man’s estrangement from a man-made world ?

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