Saturday, December 12, 2015

University Of Pune Question Paper,ACCOMMODATION SERVICES,B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - III),2010 Question Paper

University Of Pune Question Paper
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - III) Examination - 2010
(New 2008 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
Instructions :
(1) Attempt any two questions from each section.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
Q.1) (A) Draw and explain any four types of Flower Arrangements. [04]
(B) Explain : [04]
(a) Cotton
(b) Wool
(C) How do you safeguard Guest Property ? [02]
Q.2) (A) What do you mean by Stain Removal ? Give any five types
of Stains and their agents. [05]
(B) Explain any two Laundering Procedures : [05]
(a) Starching
(b) Blueing
(c) Ironing
Q.3) (A) What do you mean by Inventory ? Explain Procedure of Linen
Inventory. [04]
(B) Explain the terms : (Any Six) [06]
(a) Duvet Covers
(b) Upholstery
(c) Pile
(d) Pest
(e) Parasite
(f) Mercerization
(g) Ramie
(h) Selvedge
Q.4) Explain the following terms : [10]
(a) P.O.S.
(b) Express Check-out
(c) Account Settlement
(d) G.H.C.
(e) Late Charges
(f) Discrepancy Report
(g) City Ledger
(h) Cash Sheet
(i) V.P.O.
(j) Charge Privilege
Q.5) (A) Explain any two Record-keeping Systems : [06]
(a) Non-automated
(b) Semi-automated
(c) Fully Automated
(B) Describe the following : (Any Two) [04]
(a) Daily Report
(b) Folios
(c) Allowance Voucher
Q.6) (A) Give formulae for the following : [05]
(a) Foreign Occupancy%
(b) Room Occupancy%
(c) ARR
(d) Double Occupancy%
(e) Rev PAR
(B) How will you handle a Bomb Threat given to your hotel ? List
down the entire procedure. [05]
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