University Of Pune Question Paper
II - B.S.L. (Sem. - III)
Foundations of Political Obligations
(2003 Pattern) (Theory) (Paper - II)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any 5 questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) Define ‘Power’. Distinguish between ‘Power’ and ‘Authority’. State man
weber’s classification of ‘Authority’.
Q2) Explain Aristotle’s concept of ‘Polity’. How is it relevant to-day?
Q3) “Roussean became famous for his concept of ‘general-will’. Discuss.
Q4) Compare Maruian and Gandhian views on ‘State’ and ‘Law’.
Q5) Explain the Utilitarian Philosophy of Bentham. State J.S. Mill’s contributions
to it.
Q6) Discuss Retributive Theory of Punishment. How is it different from
Utilitarian Theory.
Q7) Critically explain John Austin’s Theory of sovereignty. Distinguish between
legal and political sovereignty.
Q8) Discuss John Locke as a liberal philosopher.
Q9‘Both Fascism and Nazism upheld the concept of totalitarian state’. Explain.
Q10)Short notes on any 4 :
a) Robert Dahl.
b) Hegel.
c) ‘Absolute Sovereignty’ of Thomas Hobbes.
d) Neo-Gandhism.
e) Legitimacy.
f) Reformative Theory.
g) Lenin on Marxism.
II - B.S.L. (Sem. - III)
Foundations of Political Obligations
(2003 Pattern) (Theory) (Paper - II)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any 5 questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) Define ‘Power’. Distinguish between ‘Power’ and ‘Authority’. State man
weber’s classification of ‘Authority’.
Q2) Explain Aristotle’s concept of ‘Polity’. How is it relevant to-day?
Q3) “Roussean became famous for his concept of ‘general-will’. Discuss.
Q4) Compare Maruian and Gandhian views on ‘State’ and ‘Law’.
Q5) Explain the Utilitarian Philosophy of Bentham. State J.S. Mill’s contributions
to it.
Q6) Discuss Retributive Theory of Punishment. How is it different from
Utilitarian Theory.
Q7) Critically explain John Austin’s Theory of sovereignty. Distinguish between
legal and political sovereignty.
Q8) Discuss John Locke as a liberal philosopher.
Q9‘Both Fascism and Nazism upheld the concept of totalitarian state’. Explain.
Q10)Short notes on any 4 :
a) Robert Dahl.
b) Hegel.
c) ‘Absolute Sovereignty’ of Thomas Hobbes.
d) Neo-Gandhism.
e) Legitimacy.
f) Reformative Theory.
g) Lenin on Marxism.
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