University Of Pune Question Paper
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - III) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
Instruction :
Attempt any four questions.
Q.1) Explain the following : (Any Ten) [10]
(a) Marc
(b) VDQS
(c) Single Malts
(d) Blanc de Noir
(e) Dubonnet
(f) Mezcal
(g) Olorosso
(h) Cava
(i) Zubrowka
(j) Campari
(k) Estufa
(l) Tequilla
Q.2) (A) List two Styles of Rum.
(B) List two Shippers of Sherry.
(C) List two Shippers of Champagne.
(D) List two Brands of Cognac.
(E) List two Shippers of Madeira. [10]
Q.3) (A) List four wine faults and four wine diseases with brief description. [04]
(B) Explain making of Red Wine. [06]
Q.4) (A) Explain the term Liqueur and classify with one example. [03]
(B) Write Base and Flavour of : [05]
(a) Drambuie
(b) Curaçao
(c) Tia Maria
(d) Advocaat
(e) Arrack
(C) Write in brief about the Service of Liqueurs. [02]
Q.5) What is Champagne ? Explain Champagne Method. [10]
Q.6) Write five Wine Producing Regions with two examples of each of
the following : [10]
(a) India
(b) France
(c) Italy
(d) Portugal
(e) Germany
B. Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Semester - III) Examination - 2010
(Old 2005 Pattern)
Time : 2 Hours] [Max. Marks : 40
Instruction :
Attempt any four questions.
Q.1) Explain the following : (Any Ten) [10]
(a) Marc
(b) VDQS
(c) Single Malts
(d) Blanc de Noir
(e) Dubonnet
(f) Mezcal
(g) Olorosso
(h) Cava
(i) Zubrowka
(j) Campari
(k) Estufa
(l) Tequilla
Q.2) (A) List two Styles of Rum.
(B) List two Shippers of Sherry.
(C) List two Shippers of Champagne.
(D) List two Brands of Cognac.
(E) List two Shippers of Madeira. [10]
Q.3) (A) List four wine faults and four wine diseases with brief description. [04]
(B) Explain making of Red Wine. [06]
Q.4) (A) Explain the term Liqueur and classify with one example. [03]
(B) Write Base and Flavour of : [05]
(a) Drambuie
(b) Curaçao
(c) Tia Maria
(d) Advocaat
(e) Arrack
(C) Write in brief about the Service of Liqueurs. [02]
Q.5) What is Champagne ? Explain Champagne Method. [10]
Q.6) Write five Wine Producing Regions with two examples of each of
the following : [10]
(a) India
(b) France
(c) Italy
(d) Portugal
(e) Germany
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