University Of Pune Question Paper
S.E. (Ptg. Engineering and Communi. Tech.) (Sem. – II) Examination, 2011
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
1. a) What is alloy steel ? Why are alloying elements added to steel ?
State the effects of important alloying elements in steel. 8
b) List the important properties of nonferrous metals and alloys. 8
a) What is the difference between cast iron, wrought iron and steel ? 8
b) State why cutting alloys are superior to high-speed steels. 8
2. a) State the principle of centrifugal casting and state its advantages and limitations. 8
b) Explain the various allowances provided on pattern. 8
a) Explain in short the various moulding methods. 8
b) Explain the pattern layouts. 8
3. a) Draw a neat sketch and explain the various elements of single point cutting tools. 8
b) Explain the centre lathe principle by drawing a block diagram of lathe. 8
c) Explain adaptive control. 2
a) Write a note on set-over method of taper turning. 5
b) What is alathe carriage ? Explain its various parts with the help of sketch. 8
c) Explain the working principle of CNC M/c. 5
4. a) Describe with sketches different operations performed on milling machine. 8
b) Differentiate between up-milling and down-milling. 8
a) Describe with sketches the different operations performed on Drilling M/c. 8
b) Explain twist drill terminology. 8
5. a) Explain in detail the Grinding wheels specifications. 8
b) Write a note on centreless grinding machine. 8
a) Differentiate between Shaper and Planer. 8
b) Explain in short slotting machine. 8
6. Write Short notes on (any three): 18
a) Line and end standard
b) Errors in measurement
c) Vernier height gauge
d) Angle gauges.
S.E. (Ptg. Engineering and Communi. Tech.) (Sem. – II) Examination, 2011
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
1. a) What is alloy steel ? Why are alloying elements added to steel ?
State the effects of important alloying elements in steel. 8
b) List the important properties of nonferrous metals and alloys. 8
a) What is the difference between cast iron, wrought iron and steel ? 8
b) State why cutting alloys are superior to high-speed steels. 8
2. a) State the principle of centrifugal casting and state its advantages and limitations. 8
b) Explain the various allowances provided on pattern. 8
a) Explain in short the various moulding methods. 8
b) Explain the pattern layouts. 8
3. a) Draw a neat sketch and explain the various elements of single point cutting tools. 8
b) Explain the centre lathe principle by drawing a block diagram of lathe. 8
c) Explain adaptive control. 2
a) Write a note on set-over method of taper turning. 5
b) What is alathe carriage ? Explain its various parts with the help of sketch. 8
c) Explain the working principle of CNC M/c. 5
4. a) Describe with sketches different operations performed on milling machine. 8
b) Differentiate between up-milling and down-milling. 8
a) Describe with sketches the different operations performed on Drilling M/c. 8
b) Explain twist drill terminology. 8
5. a) Explain in detail the Grinding wheels specifications. 8
b) Write a note on centreless grinding machine. 8
a) Differentiate between Shaper and Planer. 8
b) Explain in short slotting machine. 8
6. Write Short notes on (any three): 18
a) Line and end standard
b) Errors in measurement
c) Vernier height gauge
d) Angle gauges.
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