University Of Pune Question Paper
S.E. ( Mechanical) (Semester – I) Examination, 2011
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Answer 3 questions from Section I and 3 questions from
Section II.
2) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Black figures to the right indicate full marks.
5) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic
pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed.
6) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
1. a) Write a detailed procedure for permeability test for moulding sand. 6
b) Describe the pattern making allowances. What is the use of contraction rule ? 6
c) What do you understand by core, core print and core box ? 4
2. a) Draw neat sketch of Cupola. Explain the heat zones with the chemistry. 6
b) Explain in brief “shell moulding process” and bring out its advantages and
disadvantages. 10
3. a) Explain the process of recovery, recrystallization and grain growth in hot
working of metal. 6
b) What is impact extrusion ? Explain this process and state its specific
applications. 6
c) Compare forging and casting process. 4
[3962] – 265 -2-
4. a) Describe press forging process. How does it differ from drop forging ? 6
b) Describe :
i) Shot peening
ii) Wire drawing. 6
c) Differentiate between progressive die and compound die. 4
5. a) State the principle and working of resistance welding process. Explain with
neat sketches the following :
i) Resistance spot welding
ii) Resistance projection welding. 12
b) Explain oxy-acetylene gas welding process. Explain characteristics and
applications of the process. 6
6. a) What do you mean by “Adhesive Bonding” ? Explain. Name any four adhesive
materials and state application. 6
b) Compare AC and DC arc welding. 6
c) Explain the principle of operation and advantages of the submerged arc welding. 6
7. a) Sketch and explain the construction and working of the tailstock of lathe. 6
b) What is an all geared headstock ? Describe. 6
c) Describe types of mandrels with their specific use. 6
8. a) Explain with neat sketches any four accessories used in lathe. 8
b) Highlight the specification of lathe machine. 5
c) Find the time required for machining of a work piece φ 60 mm in dia; 200 mm
in length is turned all over in 6 passes. The tool approach length is 5 mm and
over travel is 5 mm feed rate is 0.6 mm/revn and cutting speed used is 40 m/min. 5
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9. a) A cam profile having a fall of 20 mm in 100° of its angle has to be milled the
table feed screw has 4 mm pitch calculate the angle of inclination of the indexing
head with horizontal. 6
b) Draw the sketch of sensitive drilling m/c. 4
c) Explain following milling operation with sketch :
1) Plan milling
2) Form milling
3) Gear milling. 6
10. a) Explain following drilling operation with sketch :
1) Countersunk
2) Counterbore. 4
b) Explain with sketch sleeve and socket drill holding device. 4
c) What is Reaming ? Sketch a Reamer and show its different parts on it.
Explain ‘Hand of reamer’. 8
11. a) Explain what do you understand ‘Grain’, Grit, Structure and Grade of grinding
wheel. 8
b) Explain with the help of suitable diagram diamond type dressing operation for
grinding wheel. 4
c) Difference between wheel loading and wheel glazing. 4
12. Write a short note on :
1) Honing and Lapping. 6
2) Burnishing. 5
3) Mounting of grinding wheel. 5
S.E. ( Mechanical) (Semester – I) Examination, 2011
(2003 Course)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions : 1) Answer 3 questions from Section I and 3 questions from
Section II.
2) Answers to the two Sections should be written in separate
3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
4) Black figures to the right indicate full marks.
5) Use of logarithmic tables, slide rule, Mollier charts, electronic
pocket calculator and steam tables is allowed.
6) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
1. a) Write a detailed procedure for permeability test for moulding sand. 6
b) Describe the pattern making allowances. What is the use of contraction rule ? 6
c) What do you understand by core, core print and core box ? 4
2. a) Draw neat sketch of Cupola. Explain the heat zones with the chemistry. 6
b) Explain in brief “shell moulding process” and bring out its advantages and
disadvantages. 10
3. a) Explain the process of recovery, recrystallization and grain growth in hot
working of metal. 6
b) What is impact extrusion ? Explain this process and state its specific
applications. 6
c) Compare forging and casting process. 4
[3962] – 265 -2-
4. a) Describe press forging process. How does it differ from drop forging ? 6
b) Describe :
i) Shot peening
ii) Wire drawing. 6
c) Differentiate between progressive die and compound die. 4
5. a) State the principle and working of resistance welding process. Explain with
neat sketches the following :
i) Resistance spot welding
ii) Resistance projection welding. 12
b) Explain oxy-acetylene gas welding process. Explain characteristics and
applications of the process. 6
6. a) What do you mean by “Adhesive Bonding” ? Explain. Name any four adhesive
materials and state application. 6
b) Compare AC and DC arc welding. 6
c) Explain the principle of operation and advantages of the submerged arc welding. 6
7. a) Sketch and explain the construction and working of the tailstock of lathe. 6
b) What is an all geared headstock ? Describe. 6
c) Describe types of mandrels with their specific use. 6
8. a) Explain with neat sketches any four accessories used in lathe. 8
b) Highlight the specification of lathe machine. 5
c) Find the time required for machining of a work piece φ 60 mm in dia; 200 mm
in length is turned all over in 6 passes. The tool approach length is 5 mm and
over travel is 5 mm feed rate is 0.6 mm/revn and cutting speed used is 40 m/min. 5
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9. a) A cam profile having a fall of 20 mm in 100° of its angle has to be milled the
table feed screw has 4 mm pitch calculate the angle of inclination of the indexing
head with horizontal. 6
b) Draw the sketch of sensitive drilling m/c. 4
c) Explain following milling operation with sketch :
1) Plan milling
2) Form milling
3) Gear milling. 6
10. a) Explain following drilling operation with sketch :
1) Countersunk
2) Counterbore. 4
b) Explain with sketch sleeve and socket drill holding device. 4
c) What is Reaming ? Sketch a Reamer and show its different parts on it.
Explain ‘Hand of reamer’. 8
11. a) Explain what do you understand ‘Grain’, Grit, Structure and Grade of grinding
wheel. 8
b) Explain with the help of suitable diagram diamond type dressing operation for
grinding wheel. 4
c) Difference between wheel loading and wheel glazing. 4
12. Write a short note on :
1) Honing and Lapping. 6
2) Burnishing. 5
3) Mounting of grinding wheel. 5
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