Monday, December 7, 2015

UTU BUILDING MATERIALS and CONSTRUCTION 3rd Sem B.Tech 2013 Question Paper

Looking for UTU Old Question Papers ? You can here get 2013 Question Paper of BUILDING MATERIALS & CONSTRUCTION for Uttarakhand Technical University.

SEM ­III, 2012-­13
Time: 3 hours

Attempt any four:

1. Explain the problem of line bursting in bricks.

2. Explain the Economical of building materials.

3. Discuss the properties and specification of pozzolan for use in construction.

4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of natural and artificial Seasoning.

5. Discuss specification and uses of Tar.

6. Discuss briefly scope of study of engineering material.

Attempt any four:

1. Describe briefly the various types of glasses.

2. What are the qualities of good varnishes?

3. What are the desirable characteristics of reinforcing steel?

4. What are the sound Insulating materials? Discuss its properties.

5. Enumerate the properties and uses of Lead.

6. State various uses of plastic as a building material.

Attempt any two:

1. List the various types of Upper floors construction. Discuss briefly any two of them

with sketches.

2. What is Dampness in buildings? Discuss its possible causes and its effects on

performance of building structures.

3. Write short notes on following:

4. (i)Cavity wall

5. (ii)Dog­legged Stair

Attempt any two:

1.  List the various types of Windows? Briefly discuss any two of them with sketches.

2. Explain the functional efficiency of the building.

3. What is Roof? Define the fundamental types of pitched roof by Sketches.

Attempt any two:

1. Define the ventilation and also discuss the various factors that affect the ventilation.

2. Discuss in briefly the principles and methods of building Maintenance.

3. Write the short notes on following:

4. (i) Water supply system

5. (ii) Mechanical lifts.
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