Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, 2010 december question paper
Papers (A) (December) 2010
M.B.A. (Third Year)/PGDFM
EXAMINATION, December, 2010
(Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 70
Attempt any five questions. Each
question carries equal marks.
1. "Investments are a sacrifice made today for benefit in
future." Do you agree ? Discuss. How investment differs
from gambling ? Analyse.
2. What is investment risk ? Distinguish between Financial
risk and Business risk.
3. "Effective regulations are an essential condition for orderly
growth of securities market." Discuss how ?
4. Write a note on recent developments in the Indian Stock
5. "Company level analysis is difficult situation." Comment.
How would you carry out this analysis ? Explain.
6. Explain "Technical Analysis". Bring out its relevance for
equity investment decisions.
7. What are the basic ingradients of portfolio management ?
Discuss their significance in the construction of an
investment portfolio.
8. Explain the role of Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM)
in portfolio selection.
9. Define Investment Company. Discuss the main functions
of Investment Companies.
10. How can you measure performance of Mutual Funds ?
Discuss the disadvantages of a Mutual Fund.
Papers (A) (December) 2010
M.B.A. (Third Year)/PGDFM
EXAMINATION, December, 2010
(Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 70
Attempt any five questions. Each
question carries equal marks.
1. "Investments are a sacrifice made today for benefit in
future." Do you agree ? Discuss. How investment differs
from gambling ? Analyse.
2. What is investment risk ? Distinguish between Financial
risk and Business risk.
3. "Effective regulations are an essential condition for orderly
growth of securities market." Discuss how ?
4. Write a note on recent developments in the Indian Stock
5. "Company level analysis is difficult situation." Comment.
How would you carry out this analysis ? Explain.
6. Explain "Technical Analysis". Bring out its relevance for
equity investment decisions.
7. What are the basic ingradients of portfolio management ?
Discuss their significance in the construction of an
investment portfolio.
8. Explain the role of Capital Assets Pricing Model (CAPM)
in portfolio selection.
9. Define Investment Company. Discuss the main functions
of Investment Companies.
10. How can you measure performance of Mutual Funds ?
Discuss the disadvantages of a Mutual Fund.
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