Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, 2010 december question paper Indian Writing in English and in Translation

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, 2010 december question paper
December, 2010
(Indian Writing in English and in Translation)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. All
questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain any four of the following with reference to the
context adding critical comments wherever needed :
(i) When first my casement in wide open thrown
At dawn, my eyes delighted on it rest;
Sometimes, and most in winter, - on its crest
A gray baboon sits statue-like alone
Watching the sunrise; while on lower boughs
His puny offspring leap about and play;
And far and near Kokilas hail the day.
(ii) Not in vain
She weeps-for lo ! at every tear she sheds
Tears from three pairs of young eyes fall a main,
And bowed in sorrow are the three young heads.
(iii) She springs like a beam on the brow of the tide
She falls like a tear from the eyes of a bride.
(iv) For nature walks upon her mighty way
Unheeding when she breaks a soul, a life;
Leaving her slain behind she travels on;
Man only marks and God's all-seeing eyes.
(v) Don't cry my child. Your father-in-law lived
honourably. He has gone, leaving you the mistress
of this house. If you loved him, you will keep this
haveli as a trust for your children. He did his duty
by us all. Now it is your turn. Don't weep. If you
don't show strength now, to whom shall I look for
comfort ? You are all I have, everything else has
(vi) Love.......how she scorned the word now. There
was no such thing between man and woman. There
was only a need which both fought against,
futilely......turning into the thing they called 'love'.
It's only a word she thought. Take away the word,
the idea, and the concept will wither away.
2. Discuss the pictorial and evocative qualities of the poem
'Sita' by Toru Dutt.
3. Make an assessment of Sarojini Naidu as a poet giving
suitable examples from the poems you have read.
4. Attempt a critical appreciation of the poem 'Night of the
5. Discuss Anand's views on the rigidity of the caste system
on the basis of his novel 'Untouchable'.
6. Write a note on the plot-construction of Raja Rao's
7. Discuss the new feminist perspective presented in the novel
'Inside the Haveli'.
8. Justify the title of the play 'Abhijnashakuntalam'.
9. Discuss how Indira Goswami fought to live within the
society as a widow on the basis of 'An Unfinished
10. 'Mother of 1084' is a scathing attack on the hypocritical
veneer of a pseudo-civilized society.

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