Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, 2010 december question paper Globalisation and Environment

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, 2010 december question paper
Papers (A) (December) 2010
December, 2010
(Globalisation and Environment)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 100
Attempt all the three questions from
Part-A. Each question carries
20 marks. Each question contains an
internal choice. The answer of each
question should not exceed 500 words.
1. What are the factors responsible for the globalisation and
how it has changed the scenario ? 20
Define drought. How will you clarify it ? Add a note on
'Drought in Rajasthan'. 20
2. Trace the history of Global Environmental Negotiations
highlighting the salient features of some of the
Declarations. 20
Discuss the major concerns of the developing countries in
relation to 'Environment and Development'. 20
3. Explain the linkages between MNCs and NGOs and their
attitude towards development. 20
How people of India responded towards globalisation ?
Attempt any four questions from
Part-B. Each question carries
10 marks. The answer of each question
should not exceed 250 words.
4. What do you mean by North-South divide ? 10
5. Write short notes on the following :
(i) Tsunamis
(ii) Environmental standard and WTO
6. Discuss the role of UNESCO, add a note on World
Heritage Convention, 1972. 10
7. Describe the problem of export of hazardous waste to the
developing countries in the context of globalisation.
8. Give a brief account of :
(i) World Bank
(ii) TRIPS agreement
9. Give your perspective on the role of NGO's. 10
10. Give a brief account of :
(i) Appiko Movement
(ii) Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalisation

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