Vardhman Mahaveer Open University 2010 december question paper
Papers (A) (December) 2010
M.Phil EXAMINATION, December, 2010
(Translation : Theory and Practice)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. Your
answer should not exceed 500 words
each. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Which 'theory' of translation do you support and why ?
Give a comparative evaluative answer. 16
2. Are processes of translation different from the methods
of translation ? What makes them so ? Give adequate
examples. 16
3. Is it possible to maintain a one to one correspondence
between SL and TL in translation ? State the problems of
equivalence in translating literary texts. 16
4. Can we distinguish between translation as an art and as a
science ? What factors affect such a distinction ?
5. How is translating prose of non-fiction different from
translating fiction ? Give suitable examples. 16
6. Write a short note on any one :
(i) Translating idioms and proverbs
(ii) Translating colloquial expressions or dialects
(iii) Translating for radio or television
7. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(i) Translating drama
(ii) Translating poetry
(iii) Translating for print media
(iv) Translation in advertising
8. Does 'culture' matter in translation ? Support your answer
with reasoned examples. 16
9. Elaborate upon the scope of translation in today's world.
10. Is there a state policy on translation ? What is it and how
is it being implemented ? 16
Papers (A) (December) 2010
M.Phil EXAMINATION, December, 2010
(Translation : Theory and Practice)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. Your
answer should not exceed 500 words
each. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Which 'theory' of translation do you support and why ?
Give a comparative evaluative answer. 16
2. Are processes of translation different from the methods
of translation ? What makes them so ? Give adequate
examples. 16
3. Is it possible to maintain a one to one correspondence
between SL and TL in translation ? State the problems of
equivalence in translating literary texts. 16
4. Can we distinguish between translation as an art and as a
science ? What factors affect such a distinction ?
5. How is translating prose of non-fiction different from
translating fiction ? Give suitable examples. 16
6. Write a short note on any one :
(i) Translating idioms and proverbs
(ii) Translating colloquial expressions or dialects
(iii) Translating for radio or television
7. Write short notes on any two of the following :
(i) Translating drama
(ii) Translating poetry
(iii) Translating for print media
(iv) Translation in advertising
8. Does 'culture' matter in translation ? Support your answer
with reasoned examples. 16
9. Elaborate upon the scope of translation in today's world.
10. Is there a state policy on translation ? What is it and how
is it being implemented ? 16
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