Vardhman Mahaveer Open University question paper december 2010
(Practical Approach of Water Resource Development)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 100
Attempt any five questions. All
questions carry equal marks.
1. What do you understand by irrinage planning ? Write 22
steps which are required for better irrinage planning ? Make
a figure showing a sample of irrinage planning. 20
2. How earthwork volume can be calculated for land
grading ? Explain survey and design procedure for land
grading. 20
3. Design a drip irrigation system for a field 100 m by 120 m.
The soil is light textured with south to north scope of
Papers (A) (December) 2010
0.3%. The evaporation 12.5 mm/day. Available discharge
3.5 lps. Static head 3.5 lps, static head 10 m. Wetted
area 20% . Life of orchard 3 years. Orchard is of
pomegranate. 20
4. What do you understand by irrigation management ?
Design a surface irrigation system. Explain in detail
different types of surface irrigation system. On the basis
of experiments, what do you recommend for Chambal
Command area. 20
5. What is submerged orifice, circular submerged orifice,
rectangular submerged orifice, standard submerged
rectangular orifice, standard submerged suppressed orifice
(rectangular fall, trapezoidal fall. Also write and explain
their discharge formulae for various conditions of flow.
What are limitations of circular orifices ? 20
6. What is surface drainage and what you will do in case of
failure due to leakage in canal ? 20
7. Write different methods of measurement of infiltration ?
Differentiate between infiltration and hydraulic
conductivity. 20
8. Define soil texture. What is international system of
classifying soil separates ? What are soil textural
classes ? What is textural guide for classification ? What
is role of soil texture affecting the soil characters and
applications of soil texture in water and land
management ? How will you determine the soil
texture ? 20
(Practical Approach of Water Resource Development)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 100
Attempt any five questions. All
questions carry equal marks.
1. What do you understand by irrinage planning ? Write 22
steps which are required for better irrinage planning ? Make
a figure showing a sample of irrinage planning. 20
2. How earthwork volume can be calculated for land
grading ? Explain survey and design procedure for land
grading. 20
3. Design a drip irrigation system for a field 100 m by 120 m.
The soil is light textured with south to north scope of
Papers (A) (December) 2010
0.3%. The evaporation 12.5 mm/day. Available discharge
3.5 lps. Static head 3.5 lps, static head 10 m. Wetted
area 20% . Life of orchard 3 years. Orchard is of
pomegranate. 20
4. What do you understand by irrigation management ?
Design a surface irrigation system. Explain in detail
different types of surface irrigation system. On the basis
of experiments, what do you recommend for Chambal
Command area. 20
5. What is submerged orifice, circular submerged orifice,
rectangular submerged orifice, standard submerged
rectangular orifice, standard submerged suppressed orifice
(rectangular fall, trapezoidal fall. Also write and explain
their discharge formulae for various conditions of flow.
What are limitations of circular orifices ? 20
6. What is surface drainage and what you will do in case of
failure due to leakage in canal ? 20
7. Write different methods of measurement of infiltration ?
Differentiate between infiltration and hydraulic
conductivity. 20
8. Define soil texture. What is international system of
classifying soil separates ? What are soil textural
classes ? What is textural guide for classification ? What
is role of soil texture affecting the soil characters and
applications of soil texture in water and land
management ? How will you determine the soil
texture ? 20
Pen down your valuable important comments below