Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Communication Skills in English VMOU December 2010 question paper

Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, december 2010 question paper
Papers (A) (December) 2010
B.A. EXAMINATION, December, 2010
(Communication Skills in English)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 70
Attempt all the five questions. All
questions carry equal marks.
1. The Government has banned the use of loud speakers but
this nuisance continues and disturbs you in your
studies.Make a complaint to the Police Inspector of your
areas. 14
Write a letter to your mother telling her about
the adventures you had on your college trip to Mount
Abu. 14
2. Write an article for a newspaper on the topic "Reckless
driving thrills but kills". 14
Write a speech to be delivered by you on the occasion of
the Golden Jubilee of your college. 14
3. Write a telegram to your father asking him for money to
buy books. 14
Write a dialogue between two students discussing their
preparation for the upcoming examination. 14
4. What do you understand by the term "Global Warming" ?
Write short note on its ill effects. 14
Write a report on the problem of child marriage prevailing
in our society. 14
5. Write a diary entry for your future plans in life. 14
Write a short note on how to increase consumer awareness
among people. 14

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