Vardhman Mahaveer Open University, december 2010 question paper
Papers (A) (December) 2010
B.A. EXAMINATION, December, 2010
(Communication Skills in English)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 70
Attempt all the five questions. All
questions carry equal marks.
1. The Government has banned the use of loud speakers but
this nuisance continues and disturbs you in your
studies.Make a complaint to the Police Inspector of your
areas. 14
Write a letter to your mother telling her about
the adventures you had on your college trip to Mount
Abu. 14
2. Write an article for a newspaper on the topic "Reckless
driving thrills but kills". 14
Write a speech to be delivered by you on the occasion of
the Golden Jubilee of your college. 14
3. Write a telegram to your father asking him for money to
buy books. 14
Write a dialogue between two students discussing their
preparation for the upcoming examination. 14
4. What do you understand by the term "Global Warming" ?
Write short note on its ill effects. 14
Write a report on the problem of child marriage prevailing
in our society. 14
5. Write a diary entry for your future plans in life. 14
Write a short note on how to increase consumer awareness
among people. 14
Papers (A) (December) 2010
B.A. EXAMINATION, December, 2010
(Communication Skills in English)
Time allowed : Three hours
Maximum marks : 70
Attempt all the five questions. All
questions carry equal marks.
1. The Government has banned the use of loud speakers but
this nuisance continues and disturbs you in your
studies.Make a complaint to the Police Inspector of your
areas. 14
Write a letter to your mother telling her about
the adventures you had on your college trip to Mount
Abu. 14
2. Write an article for a newspaper on the topic "Reckless
driving thrills but kills". 14
Write a speech to be delivered by you on the occasion of
the Golden Jubilee of your college. 14
3. Write a telegram to your father asking him for money to
buy books. 14
Write a dialogue between two students discussing their
preparation for the upcoming examination. 14
4. What do you understand by the term "Global Warming" ?
Write short note on its ill effects. 14
Write a report on the problem of child marriage prevailing
in our society. 14
5. Write a diary entry for your future plans in life. 14
Write a short note on how to increase consumer awareness
among people. 14
Pen down your valuable important comments below