Tuesday, December 8, 2015

WBCS English Paper II 2007 Question Paper

I am going to write exam of WBCS. I am struggling to prepare these exams. I need to revise some old question papers of WBCS examinations. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Is this your situation ? You can download WBCS old question papers below. Provided here 2007 English Paper -II Exam Paper for WBCS.

West Bengal Civil Service WBCS
(Optional Papers)
Subject : English Paper II

Time Allowed : 3 Hours                                                                                      Full Marks : 100

                                                    (All questions carry equal marks.)

1.  Answer any one of the following :

     (a) Make a brief survey of the use of the spell of medieval-ism in English Poetry of the Nineteenth Century.

    (b) Compare Rupert Brooke with Wilfred Owen in view of the vision and experience of battlefield.

    (c) The period 1798-1832 has often been referred to as the period of “Romantic Revival.” Indicate the tendencies revived and give illustrative references.

2.  Answer any one of the following :

    (a) Evaluate Galsworthy’s treatment of “social and contemporary problems” in his plays.

    (b) “In Arms and the Man Mr. Sh  does not, as some imagine, attack-war … In Candida he does not attack love.” - Do you agree ?

    (c) Write a short note on drama as written in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries.

3.  Answer any one of the following :-

     (a) Write an essay on the achievement of important women novelists of the Victorian era.

     (b) Jane Austin when set against Walter Scott has been looked upon as “the flicker of a candle set against the illumination of a searchlight.” - Would you agree with this estimate of those two novelists of the early Nineteenth Century ?

    (c)  Attempt a critical appreciation of any one of the following :-

         (i) Frankenstein;      (ii) Vanity Fair;     (iii) The Egoist.

4.  Comment on the theme and style of the following poem :

    Whose woods these are I think I know

    His house is in the village though;

    He will not see me stopping here

    To watch his woods fill up with snow.

    My little horse must think it queer

    To stop without a farmhouse near

    Between the woods and frozen lake

    The darkest evening of the year.

    He gives his harness bells a shake

    To ask if there is some mistake

    The only other sound’s the sweep

    Of easy wind and downy flake.

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep.

    But I have promises to keep,

    And miles to go before I sleep,

    And miles to go before I sleep.
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