Monday, January 4, 2016

2011 Question Paper,Madras University Question Paper, UCCC, PROGRAMMING IN COBOL AND C++,

Madras University Question Paper
Subject Code : UCCC
OCTOBER 2011 U/ID 46433/UCCC
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
PART A — (10 × 3 = 30 marks)
Answer any TEN questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
1. List the names of paragraphs in identification
2. Write a note on accept statement.
3. List the relational operators in COBOL.
4. Distinguish between master and transaction files.
5. What are C++ tokens?
 6. What is the use of endl manipulator? Give an
 7. What are pointers?
8. Define friend functions.
9. What are destructors?
10. Define objects.
11. What is polymorphism?
12. What are command-line arguments?
PART B — (5 × 6 = 30 marks)
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
13. Write short notes on Environment division.
 Environment division £ØÔ ]Ö SÔ¨¦ GÊxP.
14. Explain how to process one-dimensional arrays in
COBOL, with examples.
 15. Discuss about the features of object-oriented
programming paradigm.
16. Discuss briefly about different operators in C++
with examples.
17. What are inline functions? Explain the use of
inline functions with an example C++ program.
18. Explain about type conversions in C++ with
19. Explain about multi-level inheritance with an
example C++ program.
PART C — (4 × 10 = 40 marks)
Answer any FOUR questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
20. Explain the general forms of ADD and Subtract
statements in COBOL with examples.
 21. Write a COBOL program to implement sorting of
employee records based on employee number.
22. Explain the basic concepts of OOP with examples.
23. Explain about function proto typing with example.
24. Explain the different types of constructors with
25. Describe in detail, mapping console I/O operations
with examples.

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