Dr. MGR University Question Paper
Q. P. Code : 524056
Time : 180 Minutes Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions.
Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Elaborate on: Pages Time Marks
(Max.) (Max.) (Max.)
1. With the help of a figure, describe the process by which
DNA replication takes place in a cell. 16 25 15
2. What are the functions of sodium in the body?
What is the reference range for levels of serum sodium?
Describe the working of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
to maintain optimal amounts of sodium in the body.
Briefly discuss disorders associated with derangements in
sodium homeostasis. 16 25 15
II. Write notes on:
1. Secondary structure of proteins. 3 8 5
2. Structure of an immunoglobulin, with the help of a figure. 3 8 5
3. Causes and manifestations of gout. 3 8 5
4. Transamination reactions. 3 8 5
5. Role of lungs in maintenance of pH of blood. 3 8 5
6. Conjugation reactions involved in metabolism of xenobiotics. 3 8 5
7. Principle and applications of electrophoresis. 3 8 5
8. Functions of tyrosine in the body. 3 8 5
9. Tumour markers. 3 8 5
10. Salvage pathway for purines and its importance in the body. 3 8 5
III. Short Answers on:
1. Outline the distribution of water in the various compartments
of the body. 1 5 2
2. What is the mechanism of action of steroid hormones? 1 5 2
3. List four features of the genetic code. 1 5 2
4. Explain the clinical relevance of serum creatinine levels. 1 5 2
5. What is meant by the polymerase chain reaction?
List Two of its applications. 1 5 2
6. What are the reference levels of glucose and protein in
cerebrospinal fluid?
How are they affected in bacterial meningitis? 1 5 2
7. What is meant by quartenary structure of a protein?
Name a protein, abundantly found in blood that has a quartenary
structure. 1 5 2
8. Name the bases found in nucleic acids. 1 5 2
9. List four causes of respiratory acidosis. 1 5 2
10. What are the functions of glutathione? 1 5 2
Q. P. Code : 524056
Time : 180 Minutes Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions.
Draw Suitable diagrams wherever necessary
I. Elaborate on: Pages Time Marks
(Max.) (Max.) (Max.)
1. With the help of a figure, describe the process by which
DNA replication takes place in a cell. 16 25 15
2. What are the functions of sodium in the body?
What is the reference range for levels of serum sodium?
Describe the working of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
to maintain optimal amounts of sodium in the body.
Briefly discuss disorders associated with derangements in
sodium homeostasis. 16 25 15
II. Write notes on:
1. Secondary structure of proteins. 3 8 5
2. Structure of an immunoglobulin, with the help of a figure. 3 8 5
3. Causes and manifestations of gout. 3 8 5
4. Transamination reactions. 3 8 5
5. Role of lungs in maintenance of pH of blood. 3 8 5
6. Conjugation reactions involved in metabolism of xenobiotics. 3 8 5
7. Principle and applications of electrophoresis. 3 8 5
8. Functions of tyrosine in the body. 3 8 5
9. Tumour markers. 3 8 5
10. Salvage pathway for purines and its importance in the body. 3 8 5
III. Short Answers on:
1. Outline the distribution of water in the various compartments
of the body. 1 5 2
2. What is the mechanism of action of steroid hormones? 1 5 2
3. List four features of the genetic code. 1 5 2
4. Explain the clinical relevance of serum creatinine levels. 1 5 2
5. What is meant by the polymerase chain reaction?
List Two of its applications. 1 5 2
6. What are the reference levels of glucose and protein in
cerebrospinal fluid?
How are they affected in bacterial meningitis? 1 5 2
7. What is meant by quartenary structure of a protein?
Name a protein, abundantly found in blood that has a quartenary
structure. 1 5 2
8. Name the bases found in nucleic acids. 1 5 2
9. List four causes of respiratory acidosis. 1 5 2
10. What are the functions of glutathione? 1 5 2
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