Friday, January 15, 2016

Business Informatics and E-Commerce Kerala University 2015 Exam Paper

Looking for Kerala University old question papers for BCA degree ? You can here download Business Informatics and E-Commerce January 2015 question paper.
Kerala University
First Semester
BCA Degree Examination,
January 2015 (006 Admn.)
06.405.1 : Business Informatics and E-Commerce (Elective-III)
Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100


Answer all questions. Each carries 4 marks.

1. Explain client server architecture.

2. Differentiate between HTML and XML.

3. Features of Web server software.

4. Discuss the procedure for generating digital signatures.

5. Differentiate between secret key cryptography and public key cryptography.

6. Explain IP packet screening routers.

7. What is mean by message authentication?

8. Compare physical cash and e-cash.

9. Short note on smart card.

10. What is meant by double spending?
[10 x 4 = 40 Marks]


Answer any two questions from each Module. Each question carries 10 marks.

Module I

11. What is web server hardware? What are the forces against vertical integration?

12. Steps involved in website development and management.

13. Define Internet, Intranet and Extranet. How will you differentiate each? Explain search with

Module II

14. Tools available for hosting a website? Explain cost factors involved in web hosting. Also discuss the features of server.

15. What is mean by SSL?

16. Features of java that makes its suitable for e-commerce applications.

Module III

17. Discuss the procedures for credit card payment system.

18. Explain social and legal issues in e-commerce.

19. Explain web auction strategies in E- commerce.

[6 x 10 = 60 Marks]

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